1890 Darby Bible18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation; I will praise thee among much people. 了解更多 分享 复制 显示注脚 诗篇35:18 — The New International Version (NIV) 18 I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise you. 诗篇35...
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (NIV). That’s radical gratitude. In all circumstances give thanks, because it’s God’s will for you. 圣经在帖前5:18说到,“凡事谢恩;这就是 神在基督耶稣...
bible.holybook.cn 8. Hepraysfromtheheartwithdeepfeelingandmeaning.Healwaysremembers togivethanksfor his descendants. 在他那衷心的祷词中,常蕴含着深刻的感受,实在饶有意味。 ann123jing.blog.163.com 9. Consequently,wealwaysgivethanksin thenameofJesusChristandwedonotrejectthegracethathascome to usthrough...
Douay-Rheims Bible3 We are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith groweth exceedingly and the charity of every one of you towards each other aboundeth. 4 So that we ourselves also glory in you in the churches of God, for your pat...
《Give Thanks and Praise》是Shaggy演唱的歌曲,收录于《Pure Pleasure》专辑中。歌曲歌词 Now when you're driving your benz or your jaguar You're driving take around your maxima Give thanks and praise this on to the almighty father Cause him is the all fun here maker Shags man about here Me...
Bible Give Thanks to the Lord, for He Is GoodPsalm 1061 稱頌 神恩待悖逆的子民(代上16:34~36)你們要讚美耶和華。你們要稱謝耶和華,因為他是美善的;他的慈愛永遠長存。 2 誰能述說耶和華大能的作為,誰能說盡讚美他的話? 3 謹守公正,常行公義的人,都是有福的。
I give thanks for I have ears to hear the voice of God. I give thanks for His mercy, goodness & faithfulness. I give thanks for the oxygen I'm
1. 对…表示感激 高一英语下学期期中总结_月天_新浪博客... ... 21.take in 欺骗,摄取 23.give thanks for对…表示感激25.get together 聚集,集… blog.sina.com.cn|基于7个网页 2. 因…而感激 Desperate Housewives绝望主妇 第六季... ... try to: 试图give thanks for:因…而感激religious: 宗教的...
You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God, I will extol you. Contemporary English VersionThe LORD is my God! I will praise him and tell him how thankful I am. New American BibleYou are my God, I give you thanks; my God, I offer you praise. Douay-...
Bible Give Thanks to the LordPsalm 1381 大卫的诗。我要一心称谢你,我要在众神面前歌颂你。(本节在《马索拉抄本》包括细字标题) 2 我要向你的圣殿下拜,我要因你的慈爱和信实称谢你的名;因为你使你的名和应许显为大,超过一切(“因为你使你的名和应许显为大,超过一切”原文作“因为你使你的应许显为...