A top notch Nourish bowl will include tons of veggies, healthy fats, whole grains and “clean” & lean proteins. Like all these bowls, the flavor profile for your Nourish Bowl can head in whatever direction you’re craving. If you’re like me, you have likely noticed “Power Bowl” ...
Your story about meeting Martin Yan and him remembering you and keeping his word got me a little choked up. How beautiful! Congratulations on your book. I know you posted this some time ago, but what an accomplishment! I’m growing thai basil and google searched for a recipe that would ...
People also ask how I teach my kids about health: I live a life following the advice I just gave you. My kids are watching. They see me choosing to walk to the store rather than drive, they see me happily enjoying a produce-packed smoothie and a colorful salad for dinner. They also ...
For me, it’s all about bright, fresh flavors – but I keep basil and oregano out of the mix to keep it from tasting like marinara. Instead, I go for red bell peppers, fresh parsley and thyme and a tiny bit of red pepper flakes for that lingering heat that makes you want another...
These days I’m more into giving than receiving so I couldn’t resist putting together this giveaway for you! I wish I could send everyone a Christmas present but since I can’t, I thought I’d do the next best thing and giveaway some of my favorite things. So, let me know your ...
Hey folks, Harry here with the best trailer you're likely to see all year long. ROBOGEISHA! From the same team that brought us the amazing MACHINE GIRL and the visual effects wizards behing TOKYO GORE POLICE comes ROBOGEISHA which looks...
Truth be told, you don’t need much more than a good pan to make panini. That said…I’ve found some simple, inexpensive tools that have made panini-making a whole lot easier (and tastier!) for me over the years. Today I’d like to share with you my 8 Essential Panini Tools –w...
Best gift for me wasn’t one I received but one I gave my wife for Christmas a few years ago. She had been wanting a mixer so I got her a bright red Kitchen Aid with all sort of attachments, including a meat grinder and sausage stuffer (OK, so those two were for me). To date...
Pork and Spinach Wonton Recipe Don't worry about the amount of salt used for the cabbage and spinach. The majority of the salt stays in the water and is discarded. The salt is used to release water from the vegetables (hey, remember osmosis from high school!?) ...
The food chopper looks unbelievably handy, especially since living in a college dorm makes large appliances an impossibility for me! ileen on 11/17/10 at 3:58 pm I’ve always enjoyed the Pampered Chef products I’ve purchased. I use the spoon spatula all the time! I would love the pi...