some monkeys in the tree. Each has a cap on its head "Give me my caps!"___the man to the monkeys. The monkeys don't understand(理解) him. They only jump, laugh and dance. "___can I get my caps back?" he thinks hard. In the end he has a(n) ___. He takes off his ...
some monkeys in the tree. Each has a cap on its head. "Give me my caps!" 7 the man to the monkeys. The monkeys don't understand(理解) him. They only jump, laugh and dance. " 8 can I get my caps back?" he thinks hard. In the end he has a(n) 9 . He takes off h...
歌名:Give Me a Kiss 歌手:Crash Adams 专辑:Give Me a Kiss 本视频/封面制作仅为分享和推荐,若有冒犯侵权请联系本人,我会马上删除,感谢您的支持。 PS:私信【鹿鸣音乐】即可获得高音质音乐音频 Give Me a Kiss 粉丝音乐安利大赛 音乐 MV 欧美MV 音乐推荐 动漫壁纸 欧美音乐 宝藏音乐 小众音乐 热门音乐 ...
I smooched with him on the dance floor. 我和他在舞池里拥吻。 They smooched while sitting on the porch swing. 他们坐在游廊的秋千上亲吻。 make out 非常激情的亲亲,包括French kissing and touching。 例句 Do you want...
17-英文有声绘本|从头到脚《From Head to Toe》 18-英文有声绘本|只有爷爷和我《Just Grandpa and Me》 19-英文有声绘本|小老鼠,红草莓《The Little Mouse, The Red Pipe Strawberry》 20-英文有声绘本|五只小鸭子《Five Little ducks》 21-英文有声绘本|爱心树《The Giving Tree 》 ...
some monkeys in the tree. Each has a cap on its head. "Give me my caps!" 7 the man to the monkey. The monkeys don't understand (理解) him. They only jump, laugh and dance. " 8 can I get my caps back?" he thinks hard. In the end he has a(n) 9 . He takes off ...
Each has a cap on its head."Give me my caps!" ▲ the man to the monkeys. The monkeys don't understand(理解) him. They only jump, laugh and dance." 8 can I get my caps back?" he thinks hard. In the end he has a(n) 9 . He takes off his cap from his head and throws(...
17-英文有声绘本|从头到脚《From Head to Toe》 18-英文有声绘本|只有爷爷和我《Just Grandpa and Me》 19-英文有声绘本|小老鼠,红草莓《The Little Mouse, The Red Pipe Strawberry》 20-英文有声绘本|五只小鸭子《Five Little ducks》 21-英文有声绘本|爱心树《The Giving Tree 》 ...
Give me some time give me some time I will dance all night with the broken and the weary Shine bright with my baby just you and me Sometimes we need a little bit from it all Give me some time give me some time I'm in now Take your head up on my shoulder Are we afraid of gett...