I am 101 lbs and I can eat 9 donuts, 1 bowl of cereal (Cinnamon Oatmeal), 3 Filipino Sweet Rice Cakes, and a glass of Milk – all in one sitting. I swear. I beat my big brother and he is still mad at me until now :) I even posted it in my blog a while back: http://...
came home one day starving from school and didn’t realize that i had downed 2 platefuls of the very dreaded “Pinakbet” (filipino all-veggie dish, which includes bitter-melon, an acquired taste) and that it tasted damn good… and if you nip them at the right age and the kids are s...
Like all Filipino families, we feasted. I remember running around with the other kids, being crazy. I was probably 5 or 6 years old. We went to midnight mass and upon our return, Santa ate our cookies and drank the milk we left him. On the wall was a handwritten letter from Santa ...