In addition, a Windows 11/10 system can have multiple administrator accounts. Thus, you can give admin rights to as many other user accounts as you like. If you have not created the user account yet, you can directly create a new local admin account instead. Read:How to Create Local Ad...
Hi,We have windows 2008 R2 server in our environment and my requirement is :We have a local user which name is "opsuser". opsuser is a part of local "users" group and i want to give him permission to change other users password who are also part of same local users group....
Give Local account with Admin rights, same access as "Administrator"?`: I have discovered that there is a difference between the original local "Administrator" account and my (local) admin account. For instance my admin account cannot add a new user, whereas "Administrator" can. I absolutely...
Re: Temporarily give the current user Local Admin rights You can use impersonation but that requires storing the username/password of an admin which you probably don't want to do. A better option is to use a windows service which can be set to run as an admin user. It can do whatever...
can give my user local admin rights, it has the same effect. /sarcasm off GPO is not the right medium to handle software updates. If you find all settings you need for my 1.450 apps, I already have re-packages them and deployed them from an administrative point, the right way. by ...
Open an elevated Windows PowerShell session, and run the following script. PowerShell Copy # Sign in to PowerShell interactively, using credentials that have access to the VM running the Privileged Endpoint (typically <domain>\cloudadmin) $Creds = Get-Credential # Create a PSSession to the Pr...
Local\\Zed\\languages\\tailwindcss-language-server\\node_modules\\.bin\\tailwindcss-language-server'\r\n at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1075:15)\r\n at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:920:27)\r\n at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain]...
I don't want to give AzureAD users local admin rights, like they had before Microsoft 365, but there is only one problem. Some engineers need to change their...
Windows 11, Windows 10 (x64) Supported Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Chromium Requirements Any device that supports the operating systems listed above. Other Screen resolution 1280x768 (Recommended: 1920x1080 ) Full administrative rights are required to use the program. An...
Apr 11, 2010 I've managed to setup Ubuntu Server 9.10, and created folders/files toview/edit/execute with Windows and Mac. Now here is my dilemma, this is for a home server, and I will have 4 users(1 for myself, one with "admin" rights, my fian...