"item": { "name": "minecraft:clock", //物品的ID "count": 1, //物品数量 "data": ...
我的世界指令师应该会喜欢的一个指令 /give@scommand_block 1 1 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_inventory"},"minecraft:keep_on_death":{}} 用这个指令获得的命令方块除了指令就不能被拿走,这样就不怕把命令方块弄丢了#Angelcox的指令世界# 更多精彩 我的世界:我这是什么逆天运气! 煞神吖 18...
3.minecraft:item_lock: 这个标签的内容是一个对象,对象里有且只有一个键,键的名字叫"mode",值是一个字符串,字符串内容只能为"lock_in_inventory"或"lock_in_slot" 如果mode的值为"lock_in_inventory": 这个物品将不能被丢弃或合成 如果mode的值为"lock_in_slot": 这个物品将不能被丢弃,合成或移动...
Allay: "item_thrown" vertical_throw_mul 1.5 Decimal number Sets the vertical throw multiplier that is applied on top of the throw force in the vertical direction. Samples Allay JSON 复制 "minecraft:behavior.go_and_give_items_to_owner": { "priority": 4,...
/give @p 1 0 {"item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_slot"}} 2023-09-03 16:21回复 storyshift丨chara 秒人虎 2023-08-20 17:211回复 皇家电磁 盔甲和武器上是用了多少耐久,那是数据值 2023-08-17 08:581回复 账号已注销 原始粉丝 UP主加油!看好你噢~ 2023-08-16 20:02回复 QAQ永恒QAQ 以后就靠劳斯...
I'm trying to /minecraft:give myself an item_frame item that has some sort of special id/name that I can later use /data (or /execute then data) on in order to switch specifically those item frames to being invisible (or visible). That is to say, I should later...
minecraft:giveable defines sets of items that can be used to initiate events when used on the entity. The item will also be taken and placed in the entity's inventory. Parameters 展開資料表 NameDefault ValueTypeDescription cooldown 0.0 Decimal An optional cool down ...
0 How to test for an item with custom model data in Minecraft 0 How to detect if a player is wearing a piece of armor with a custom model data? 2 1.17 Custom Model Data Not Working 0 How to detect if someone is hit by something with a custom model data? Hot Network Ques...
/give @s light_block 15 15 获得光明方块/give @s jigsaw 获得线锯方块/give @s spawn_egg 1 51 获得生成NPC的蛋/give @s spawn_egg 1 56 获得吉祥物蛋/give @s lodestone_compass 获得磁石指南针/give @s snowball 1 2 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_inventory"}} 获得黄标雪球/give...
还有大型平台生成和商店房子生成 还有一个优化的图片,别疑神疑鬼说生成的不一样,我这是为了效果涂: 首先获得命令方块:/give @p command_block 然后指令我直接发出来,不直接做地址:/summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~1 ~ {id:"minecraft:falling_block",Time:1,DropItem:0,Block:"minecraft:command_block",...