Number nineteen, "Your perspective, your way of looking at things is refreshing", meaning it's new, it's different and of course quite positive. 第十九,“Your perspective,your way of looking at things is refreshing(你的视角,你看待事物的方式令人耳目一新)”,这意味着它是新的,它是不同的,当...
give ground,to yield before superior force, as of arms or of reasoning. give it to, reprimand or punish: His father really gave it to him for coming home so late. give or take,plus or minus a specified amount; more or less: It will cost $20, give or take a dollar or ...
The meaning of SHIT is bodily waste discharged through the anus : feces, excrement. How to use shit in a sentence.
Same for theaters,stadiums, along with every other room that forfeits its meaning when deserted.对于剧院,体育场馆,以及每一个被遗弃的地方,也一样失去了意义。Under EU "use it or lose it" rules they must run services on busy routes or forfeit them to other operators.根据欧盟“使用它或失去...
The meaning of GIVE IT THE OLD COLLEGE TRY is to use one's very best effort : to try very hard. How to use give it the old college try in a sentence.
Means to present something. Once that thing is presented someone can either accept or reject it. 意思是呈现一些东西。一旦这件事被提出,某人可以接受或拒绝它。 I would like to offer my help in planning the event. 我想在策划活动时提供帮助。
time has no meaning in itself unless we choose to give it significance 时间本身就没有意义,除非我们选择赋予它意义 significance 英[sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns]美[sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns]n.意义; 重要性; 意思;[网络]价值; 意谓; 含义;[...
Means to present something. Once that thing is presented someone can either accept or reject it. 意思是呈现一些东西。一旦这件事被提出,某人可以接受或拒绝它。 I would like to offer my help in planning the event. 我想在策划活动时提供帮助。
It is up to you to give meaning to your life.生命的意义由你自己来赋予。#四六级# #雅思[超话]#
let's pause here→ hagamos un descanso aquíit made him pause→ le hizo vacilarto pause for breath→ detenerse para tomar aliento C. CPD pause button N→ botón m de pausa Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, ...