The meaning of GIVE (SOMEONE) HELL is to yell at or criticize (someone) in an angry way. How to use give (someone) hell in a sentence.
GIVE meaning: 1 : to cause or allow someone to have (something) as a present to make a present of (something); 2 : to cause or allow (something valued or needed) to go to another person, group, etc. donate
The inner ear(orlabyrinth) contains thecochlea, as well as the nerves that transmit sound to the brain. It also contains thesemicircular canals, which are essential to thesense of equilibrium. When a sound strikes the ear it causes the tympanic membrane to vibrate. The ossicles function as ...
数字381是指three words, eight letters, one meaning,猜到了吗? 那就是i love you,我爱你。三个词,八个字母,一个含义。如果有人在信里给你写381,别不知道这个意 思哦。 例句: 1, 在美剧Gossip Girl 里面,Blair 曾对Chuck 说过"Three words,eight letters,say it and i'm yours." , 意思是...
give it to Punish or reprimand, as inDad really gave it to Tom for coming in so late. This expression, implying a physical or verbal attack, dates from the late 1500s. Also seegive someone hell. In more recent times the expression gave rise togive it to someone straight, meaning "to...
And Jesus answered him (the devil), saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (rema) of God. Luke 4:4 The word “word” is the word rema (or rhema), meaning “that which is individually received and understood of that which is communicated....
a他在"Beat it"中反对暴力处事,在"Black and white"中宣扬种族平等,在"Heal the world"中展现对孩子的关心。 He in " Beat it " opposed the violence handles matters, publicizes the racial equality in " Black and white ", unfolds in " Heal the world " to child's care. [translate] ...
数字381是指threewords,eightletters,onemeaning,猜到了吗? 那就是iloveyou,我爱你。三个词,八个字母,一个含义。如果有人在信里给你写381,别不知道这个意 思哦。 例句: 1, 在美剧GossipGirl里面,Blair曾对Chuck说过"Threewords,eightletters,sayitandi'myours.", ...
The boss gave me hell for not telling him about it. 因为我没把事情告诉老板,老板狠批了我一顿。yak:意思是呕吐;闲扯;喋喋不休的说 时间:2009-09-14 10:02 作者:Slang Freak 点击: 622次 yak在词典里的意思是牦牛,在俚语中还有其他许多意思,下面先介绍两个。 1,呕吐(to vomit)例句 Hey man...
Definition of 'give it a whirl' If you decide to give an activity a whirl, you do it even though it is something that you have never tried before.