This development leads to two major streams of concern in the larger societal context that were discussed during the ERCIS Annual Workshop: Fig. 1 addresses the interaction of these two streams of discussion. Global classification and filtering are enabled and supported by the usage of services to...
On a more general level, the literature and examples on organizational ethical issues show that health care management decision-makers have to deal with many ethical issues that are at the heart of the contemporary health care debate, viz. that they have to balance cost, access and quality in ...
I have to agree with the post by Lucius (13). My life experience includes the fact that for the first 12-15 months of my life I was a baby exposed to mild abuse and severe neglect. My birth mother did not put her cigerettes out on me but she did have the tendency to leave me ...
The medicalisation of everyday life has transformed what was considered “normal” into the “pathological”, and medicalised ideologies and therapies have shifted the limits of behaviours and bodies considered “acceptable” [28]. Conrad explains in this regard that medicine, dominant discourses, ...
Figure 2. Examples of explanatory cards showed to the interviewees to define the specific farm-based measures that farmers can apply to reduce elephant damage and the level of cooperation in the implementation of those measures. Based on the results obtained by the pilot study of 25 farmers in...
(Head of unit X) We have a concern about the fact that we have an ageing population and many live in their houses and the houses are not very accessible, but we also do not have housing that can meet [the older persons] need and we need to know what they [older persons] think; ...