Hello there, We've been testing the Delay Delivery feature in Viva Insights and we have an issue with how the email gets timestamped. For...
Good morning Folks, I need some assistance. I have a user who is a sales manager for my company in a different state. She shares PDF's with a variety of...
array('id'=>'form_display_options','title'=> __('Form Display Options','give'),'object_types'=>array('give_forms'),'context'=>'normal','priority'=>'high','show_names'=>true,'fields'=> apply_filters('give_forms_display_options_metabox_fields',array(array('name'=> __('Payment...
aShadowbox is an online media viewing application that supports all of the web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display a wide assortment of media in all major browsers ...
The h export also allows you to write JSX out of the box. All you have to do is include the standard babel transform. Setting pragma It's preferred that you set the JSX pragma to h (or skate.h if you're using globals), if possible, so that you don't confuse anyone by using the...
Ammo Box ent_create prop_ammo_box_generic Breach Charge give weapon_breachcharge Ballistic Shield give weapon_shield Bump Mine give weapon_bumpmine Drone ent_create drone Turret – Dronegun ent_create dronegun Exo jump exojump Diversion Device (decoy) ...
Can a boxview in a xamarin forms made clickable ? Can anyone recommend an alternative to Zxing? Can i apply a binding to Style in Xamarin Can I call method from MainActivity by using a caller nested in MainPage.xaml Can i directly connect Xamarin app forms to Sql Server Database that ...
Add a text box to a chart add button to datagridview add checkbox to the last column of a listview in vb.net Add Columns to Treeview Add Commas in Textbox as user inputs Add icons in Listview (VB.NET) add item in String() in VB .net Add Items with value and display into combo...
Most of the default styles from reveal.scss should be kept, but I found the border and box-shadow around images unsuitable for my own theme, so I just removed those. It’s up to you to tweak the CSS to suit your preferences. I wanted the theme to be in line with my own website,...
rather than sliding into view the fields they will open in a shadow box or "modal" window.','give'),'id'=> $prefix .'payment_display','type'=>'select','options'=>array('onpage'=> __('Show on Page','give'),'reveal'=> __('Reveal Upon Click','give'),'modal'=> __('Moda...