border-collapse: collapse ; } table#demo td { padding: 5px ; } table#demo caption { font-style: italic ; background-color: black ; color: white ; } Explanation of the CSSThe pseudo-class that allows you to do all the alternate shading magic is nth-child. Specifically, nth-child(odd...
Then useelements as detailed above. Option 2: Using Sass If you're making a Sass-based product, you'll need to download the font file, and have Sass create a link to that file. Add files to the right folder Start bydownloading the icon font file. Uncompress the .zip and put them ...
important;\n margin: 0px !important;\n font-size:14px;\n }\n}","texts":null,"defaults":{"config":{"applicablePages":[],"description":"community announcement text","fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[],"__typename":"ComponentProperties"},"components...
HiVaibhav-MSFT, thanks very much for your reply. As far as I know, the search based message extension can only invoked from "the buttons at the bottom of the compose message area" or "Command box":
As long as we’re fakin’ bacon here, might as well toss in the ol’ “transparent” border trick: CodePen Embed Fallback Let’s go back to text for a moment. Maybe we’re floating an element and want text to wrap around it… in the shape of the floated element while leaving some...
How to apply border to textbox(Entry) xamarin forms. How to apply pagination in lisview using Xamarin forms cross platform? How to Attach Debugger to a Running Android or IOS app? How to auto scale text in a label to fit the grid cell in Xamarin forms How to automatically open soft ...
How to add border to div when converting to PDF using itextsharp 5.5.0? How to add Buttons in DevExpress GridView?? How to add comma to string How to add Cookies in Http Client headers from a list of name value pairs How to add currency format in excel export using NPOI dll how to...
important; } #list-container .features > li:nth-child(2) { border-left: none !important; }',modifyUi:function(){var e=document.createElement("style");e.type="text/css",e.innerHTML=this.cssStyle,document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD").item(0).appendChild(e)}}}); ;define('common:widget...
important; } #list-container .features > li:nth-child(2) { border-left: none !important; }',modifyUi:function(){var e=document.createElement("style");e.type="text/css",e.innerHTML=this.cssStyle,document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD").item(0).appendChild(e)}}}); ;define('common:widget...
I am getting an error message when I try to use the Check Performance feature. Can you tell my why this is disabled? Thanks!