syn: give, confer, grant, present mean that something concrete or abstract is bestowed on one person by another. give is the general word: to give someone a book. confer usu. means to give as an honor or as a favor; it implies courteous and gracious giving: to confer a medal. grant...
book giveaways Shannon’s Book Bargains Roundup – Feb 21, 2025 February 21, 2025Shannon VannatterLeave a Comment Check out this week's bargains, categorized as promised. A nice variety of genres and good deals. At the end you'll find a link to preorders. Click on each cover or meme...
Tagged#NewReleases,Amazon,book-review,book-reviews,bookinfluencer,Books,Contemporary Romance,Deals,Fantasy,fiction,influencer,New Releases,new-release,reading,Romance,Romance New Releases,ROMANCE NEW RELEASES 02/23-03/01/2025,ROMANCE NEW RELEASES FEBRUARY 2025,ROMANCE NEW RELEASES MARCH 2025,shopping,socia...
Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Reddit Pocket More Like this: Loading... First Uses of the Periodic Table Element – Platinum March 2, 2025 | in First Uses of the Periodic Table Element - Platinum, Magical Elements of the Periodic Table | tagged Elemental Dragons, First Uses, Magical Elemen...
first fruits publishinggy waldronpartners in crime virtual book tourssanta barbara Red Ultimatum Edwin D. Fuller, Gary Grossman (The Red Hotel, #4) Publication date: February 25th 2025 Genres: Adult, Thriller A former U.S. President’s plane is brought down in the Atlantic. Revolutionary forces...
I had a lot of fun trying to figure out who the bad guy was and getting to know the characters. This is the second book in the series and now I want to go back and read the first one. I’ll probably reread this after and plan on following this clever series. ...
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Noah’s implant does quite a bit more than help his hearing. He can hear people’s thoughts when it is turned on. In the first book he was recruited by the government for a top-secret mission. Lena, a slow to like character who also has physical challenges of her own, was also recr...
3 Try to write down your mistakesin your notebook.4 It's a good idea to speakEnglish in class.(答案不唯一,示例供参考) 答案:For learning new words, you can make word cards. Write the new word on one side and its meaning, pronunciation and an example sentence on the other side.解释:...
you ready to join Pascal and his friends as they uncover hidden secrets and embrace a timeless legacy? Witness the journey firsthand—grab your copy of The Harlequin’s Legacy today and become part of the story! Amazon * B&N * Bookbub * Goodreads Meet Andrés Rosas Hott, an emerging voice...