1. give away。 意思是“赠送,捐赠”,指一种自愿的、无偿的行为,使别人拥有某物,例如:We gave away our old furniture to a local charity. 我们把旧家具捐赠给当地慈善机构了。 。 2. give back。 意思是“归还,还清”,指归还给原主人或借方,例如:She gave back the book to the library. 她把书归还...
give away造句 give away 造句 1. I gave away my old bicycle to the homeless man who passed by my house. 2. I gave away all my old clothes to the charity shop nearby so that they can be redistributed to those in need. 3. My grandparents gave away the antique furniture they had colle...
該慈善組織正計畫向無家可歸者贈送食物和衣服The charity organization is planning to give away food and clothes to the homeless They had to give away their old furniture when they moved to a smaller apartment當他們搬到一間較小的公寓時,他們不得不把舊傢俱送人 當他們搬到一間較小的公寓時,他們...
16.To permit one to have or take:gave us an hour to finish. 17.To take an interest to the extent of:"My dear, I don't give a damn"(Margaret Mitchell). v.intr. 1.To make gifts or donations:gives generously to charity. 2. ...
Top of the Table Action! City Give Away Furniture to Good Causes ; Boardroom and Suites Are Given a MakeoverWHEN City decided to revamp their plush executive suites at theEtihad stadium, they sent out the...Keegan, Mike
2. The hotel offered agive away toguests who stayed for more than five nights. 酒店向停留超过五晚的客人赠送了一份礼物。 3. The store gave away free tickets to its grand opening as agive away toattract customers. 该商店向顾客赠送免费门票以吸引他们参加开业庆典。 4. The charity organization...
And furniture. Rather than throwing them out. take them to charitable organizations and charity stores. Sort things into categories: keep, fix, sell or give away.Give your time lo charity. ___37___. In 2010. we spent two billion hours volunteering Rai-Sing money and putting on events wer...
E选项中Give away your old furniture to charity, school, friends or neighborhood“把旧家具送给慈善机构,学校,朋友或邻居”,E选项提供了解决旧家具的办法。故选E。 【2】根据As a result, her trash bin is always full of many bottles,可知,她的困扰是垃圾箱里总是装满了太多的瓶子。C选项中Check your...
I wasn’t sure what to think, but I didn’t give away my ignorance. Literature He was here when I came up to collect the clothes and toys to give away to charity. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 You shouldn't give away your secrets. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I did not think there could be any...
2、"We really want to link food and medicine, and not justgive awayfood," says Dr. Rita Nguyen.(RitaNguyen博士说:“我们的确想把食物和药物联系起来,而不仅仅是分发食物。”) 3、Did you reallygive awayall your furniture when you move into the new house last month?(上个月你搬进新房时,你真...