NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
2. To release or discharge (steam, for example) through an opening. 3. To provide with a vent. v.intr. 1. To vent one's feelings or opinions: Sorry to go on like that, but I just had to vent. 2. To be released or discharged through an opening. 3. To rise to the surface o...
Brusatte said that becoming smaller was “a common way that mammals deal with climate change”. He added: “That’s not to say every species of mammal would get smaller, but it seems to be a common survival trick of mammals when temperaturesspikepretty quickly, which does raise the question...
2. To open up (a means of passage, for example) by or as if by use of the elbow: elbowed her way through the crowd. v.intr. 1. To make one's way by pushing with the elbow. 2. To turn at an angle; bend: The lane elbows to the left.Idioms: at (one's) elbow Close at...
When it comes to hearing communication, not every member of a species is just alike. Animals in different places have often been sounding off in different dialects. For example, one study shows that blue whales produce different types of sounds depending on where they are from. Some bird speci...
I'll give you an example of how much I've lost my dang mind over the past few years: Hearing mail get dropped into my mail slot sometimes causes me so much panic that it causes me to vomit. Imagine being that terrified of receiving a letter but that's me. ...
To give an example, in physics class, the flow of current through an electrical wire is often explained as being like water flowing through a pipe. A thinner wire can take less current, just like a narrower pipe can take less water. Higher voltage is like higher water pressure. ...
Air-breathing diving vertebrates are a form of marine life with an interesting evolutionary history, Essentially, they left the sea and became terrestrial, developed traits for this, then returned to the sea. Answer and Explanation:1 The problems that air-breathing diving vertebr...
Name the six general types of bones in the human body and name one specific example of each type of bone. The hardest part of the human body is ___. A) Tooth Enamel B) Femur C) Temporal bone of skull D) Knee bone Identify the major features of the bones that comprise ...
The new report represents an updated and enlarged version of “Wildlife Comeback in Europe“, a groundbreaking publication published in 2013. Of the mammal species it covers, the Eurasian beaver, grey seal, and European bison show the strongest comeback. Of the birds, ...