Hello, Typically I create install or admin local accounts for a local windows PC so the user doesn't accidentally install a virus with admin rights. I rebooted before I assigned admin rights to the install account and the default user doesn't have admin rights. This usually a big d...
you can grant admin rights to another user account. This short tutorial will show you 2 methods (via Settings and CMD) on how to give full administrator permission and rights to a user in Windows 10/11.
# Sign in to PowerShell interactively, using credentials that have access to the VM running the Privileged Endpoint (typically <domain>\cloudadmin) $Creds = Get-Credential # Create a PSSession to the Privileged Endpoint VM $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName "<PepVm>" -ConfigurationName Priv...
I would like to auto enroll devices to Intune, when the devices get joined to Azure AD. However, every time users gets the local admin rights on the devices. Is there any way to enroll users with no admin access on the device?
The problem is that everytime I reboot the computer I loose my admin rights(no longer in the administrator group) and just become a normal user again. I have tried googling this and didn't get to many results. I believe IT is just giving me local admin rights, not admin rights for ...
Allow limited users to install software by group policy Allow log on locally ->Local Security Settings->"Add User or Group" function is Disabled (grayed out) allow non admin users (without being local admin) the rights to install any software they choose without elevation, Not just deployed ...
have local admin rights on the machine. Is there a way using C# to give the current user the necessary rights, or put them in the local administrators group, when this application starts and then put them back to the way they were when the program finishes running? > Any help would be...
Admin rights to run powershell script to update registry ADSI for local accounts ADSISearcher constructor ADUser PasswordNeverExpires -eq 'false' Advanced audit policy setting using powershell Advanced Functions - flags? Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups...
- in the Jellyfin interface, go to that movie (as the Jellyfin admin user) and try to delete the movie using the submenu... And there you have it, to my surprise it deletes the movie with its enclosing directory, whereas I saved the ACL for the "apps" user within TrueNAS as "read...
Local\\Zed\\languages\\tailwindcss-language-server\\node_modules\\.bin\\tailwindcss-language-server'\r\n at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1075:15)\r\n at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:920:27)\r\n at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain]...