我的世界获得命令方块的指令是/give @a command_block,并且版本必须在1.0.5版本以上,不要冒号,空格和下划线都要,输入的指令要和上面的一致,当然@a也可以改为@p,都能让我们自己获得。 详细答案: 1、打开聊天栏,输入代码/give玩家名minecraft:command_block,按回车结束,就能获得命令方块。 2、不要冒号,空格和下划...
我的世界指令师应该会喜欢的一个指令 /give@scommand_block 1 1 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_inventory"},"minecraft:keep_on_death":{}} 用这个指令获得的命令方块除了指令就不能被拿走,这样就不怕把命令方块弄丢了#Angelcox的指令世界# ...
输入:/give 玩家名 minecraft:command_block //@苏航大王:怎么获得命令方块呀? @大叔陪你玩: 抽奖机,最简单的抽奖机,只需要5个命令方块就能做出抽奖机#我的世界攻略# 视频已下架 近期活动 热门组件探索家之忍者生存篇 投稿任意一款【忍者生存】系列模组图文评测,赢钻石礼包 ...
我的世界获得命令方块的指令,我的世界大佬们都应该知道的指令:give @s command_block 64
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /give command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can give a player any item whenever you want using the /give command in Minecraft.
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Except they dont. You can't enchant or anvil them together even in creative; you can only use a give command. Really? The standard syntax in Minecraft to create a 1000+ Sharpness weapon is /give @p{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:}]} placed in the games chat window. 1 pair of Shears...
Steamid指的是玩家的17位数的ID ID指的是玩家的短位ID,如果不清楚在游戏按F1弹出后台输入‘lp’ 如果还是不知道命令怎么用输入,help 需要的命令,复制自己百度翻译^_^ *服务器指令 admin add Steamid 0添加管理员,0是最高级权限数字越高权限越低 admin remove Steamid 撤销管理权限 admin list管理员列表 cp add...
Talking using command blocks How to use command blocks to give players items Using command blocks to change the weather How to get a command block in Minecraft Command blocks are not in the item slots like other blocks you might find in the game. Instead, the player has to /give it to ...
Brigadier is a command parser & dispatcher, designed and developed for Minecraft: Java Edition and now freely available for use elsewhere under the MIT license.InstallationBrigadier is available to Maven & Gradle via libraries.minecraft.net. Its group is com.mojang, and artifact name is brigadier....