The homeless camps spread throughout the city of Sacramento are a topic of heated debate among residents. They’re considered undesirable—a nuisance—an eyesore. But when the camps fall victim to a string of devastating arson attacks, Detective Emily Hunter and her partner, Javier Medina, dive ...
After creating a giveaway, you’ll want to promote it so that more people can enter. Wherever possible, it’s smart to start promoting a contest before publishing it so you can spread the word and create a sense of excitement. You can start by sending an email newsletter to your subscrib...
On Sunday, 4pm PDT we’ll make a list of all the Twitter handles that sent out a Tweet, then use to choose 6 random numbers from that list. The second giveaway will happen at 4pm PDT on Wednesday 5/18, using the same procedure to choose the remaining 7 winners. All of...
6a ) A common method for finding the winner of a drawing is to copy-paste the name list's List Randomizer, hit randomize 5 or 6 times, and copy-paste the results into your post... the name that floats to the top of the list is the lucky winner! 6b ) If your gam... screenshot is attached. yes, there are 2 winners! why? well thats top secret :) thanks to all who participated and for all conspiracy theories. Wow! Thank you! I am doubly lucky, both in winning and in there being a second prize. Great giveaway, apehater. I'm ...
Also, here's some random comments from people having same issue as you do, their suggestions might help you: Quote My fix was unfortunately super simple. Once you turn the game on go to the battle eye option, check the box that says you agree to the rules. Then there is a ...
Operating System Windows Programming Languages No response CCXT Version C# 4.3.91 Description fetchWithdrawals gives some double entries in Binance. I use the same verbose logs as in my solved topic on fetchWithdrawals speed issues to sh...
with your frozen protobuf.pbtxt on the latest OpenVino Release 2019R1.1 I get a much more tractable error: ERROR ] List of operations that cannot be converted to Inference Engine IR:[ ERROR ] RandomUniform (10)[ ERROR ] down_conv_0/conv2d/dropout/random_uniform/RandomUniform[ ...
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. cold - When the moon is far to the north, it is popularly called a cold moon. See also related terms for north. Farlex Trivia Dictionary...
Lastly, consider asking them a random trivia question instead, one they can easily look up if they get stumped. Along with a question entry method, you can also have participants like your post and follow you on relevant social media channels. ...