今天跟大家分享的绘本是经典绘本集 If you give 系列中的《If you give a mouse a cookie》,插画可爱有趣,对话简明活泼,情节一点点铺开,除了能跟着故事发展学习到很多新的词汇外,还可以锻炼孩子的想象力哦! he's going to ...
英文绘本 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie_标清 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2014-07-14 15:48:53上线。视频内容简介:稍后补充视频简介
If you give a mouse a cookie, 如果你给小老鼠一块饼干, he’s going to ask for a glass of milk. 他就会跟你要一杯牛奶。 When you give him the milk, 你给他一杯牛奶, he’ll probably ask you for a straw....
If you give a mouse a cookie, 如果你给了小老鼠一块饼干,he's going to ask for a glass of milk.他就会要你给他一杯牛奶。When you give him the milk,当你给了他牛奶,he'll probably ask you for a straw.他会跟你要吸管。When he's finished, he'll ask for a napkin.当他喝完牛奶,...
If you give a mouse a cookie《如果你给了小老鼠一块饼干》是“if you”系列绘本中相当经典的一本绘本,故事情节有趣而充满逻辑性。而其中一幅幅用颜色和钢笔画出来的简简单单的图,让这个故事变得更加无厘头、更加好笑,吸引着小朋友们阅读和思考。
If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he's probably ask you for a straw. When he's finished, he'll ask for a napkin. Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn't have a milk mustache. ...
If you give a mouse a cookie, 如果你给了小老鼠一块饼干。 he's going to ask for a glass of milk. 他就会要你给他一杯牛奶。 When you give him the milk, 当你给了他牛奶, he'll probably ask you for a straw. 他会跟你要吸管。
"If you give a mouse a cookie," 细心的小朋友会看到,从翻开封面后一直到故事开始,每页的画面都是连贯的,小老鼠从那小树丛里钻出来,走下草地,在吃饼干看书的小男孩发现了它,他转过身,拿了一块饼干给小老鼠,那么接下来一定还是顺着故事情节发展,小老鼠拿了饼干,像屋里走去……要是你给老鼠吃饼干,它会?看...
《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》是一本可预测性非常低的“可预测的故事书(Predicable Book)”。上次小冰说过,虽然 Predicable Books的优点是有可预测的情节线让小朋友易于理解,但同时也一定要有一些不可预测的地方来保持新鲜和神秘。那么《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》厉害就厉害在,在可预测的框架中把“...