Human interaction is built around sequentiality – sequences of action and adjacency pairs, in which one action provides a slot for another action of a certain type. The connection between the first and the second part of an action pair is typically tight, and deviance from the pattern needs...
5. commit v. 1) 使(部队)投入战斗, 指派...作战 E.g. The commander has committed all his troops to the front lines. 指挥员已将其所有的部队调到前线投入战斗. 2) promise (esp. oneself, one’s property) to a certain cause, position, or course of action 使承担义务; 承诺;约定 E.g. ...
Infant features are physical traits that are characteristic of human infants and include facial features such as large and low-lying eyes, and a small nose and mouth. Animals possessing high levels of infant features elicit care-giving responses in human