当你遇到“gitlens requires a newer version of git (>= 2.7.2) than is currently installed”这个错误时,说明你的Git版本过旧,无法支持GitLens插件的正常运行。以下是一些步骤来帮助你解决这个问题: 确认当前安装的Git版本: 首先,你需要确认当前安装的Git版本。你可以在命令行中运行以下命令来查看Git版本: ba...
Note: The Commit Graph is available to all users working on public repositories, and requires no account. Additionally, users with a paid GitLens subscription or trial can use the Commit Graph with private repos. We’d love to hear your feedback in the Commit Graph discussion on GitHub....
Please note that while using cloud workspaces requires a GitKraken account, shared cloud workspaces require a trial or subscription. Creating a Workspace To create a workspace, tap the ‘+’ button next to GitKraken Workspaces, provide a name and a description, and connect a provider if you wish...
Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) gitlens.currentLine.scrollable Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. NOTE: Setting this to false will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation;...
Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) gitlens.currentLine.scrollable Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. NOTE: Setting this to false will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation;...
Find out what’s new, what’s fixed, or just take a trip down memory lane remembering those bugs of yesterday. Check out our Changelog to see linked issues and past changes. Install Current Version Now Features marked with PRO require a trial or paid plan for use on privately hosted repos...
Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) gitlens.statusBar.reduceFlicker Specifies whether to avoid clearing the previous blame information when changing lines to reduce status bar “flashing” gitlens.statusBar.tooltipFormat Specifies the format (in markdown) of hover ...
Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) gitlens.currentLine.scrollable Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. NOTE: Setting this to false will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation;...
require a trial or paid plan for use on privately hosted repos — use on local or publicly hosted repos is free for everyone. Additionally some features marked with a ☁️, rely on GitKraken Dev Services which requires a GitKraken account and access is based on your plan, e.g. Free,...
Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) gitlens.currentLine.scrollable Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. NOTE: Setting this to false will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation;...