The error message clearly states that “uid_map can only be used by unprivileged user” documents these options as “When running virtiofsd as non-root…” I don’t know why that decision was taken;!137 (merged)does not say. So maybe it is OK to allow root users to do th...
GitLab is a single application for the entire software development lifecycle. From project planning and source code management to CI/CD, monitoring, and security. Sign in Register Username or email Password Remember me Forgot your password?Explore Help About GitLab ...
通过.gitlab-ci.yml配置任务 git仓库: 此文档用于描述.gitlab-ci.yml语法,.gitlab-ci.yml文件被用来管理项目的runner 任务。 如果想要快速的了解GitLabCI ,可查看快速引导。 .gitlab-ci.yml 从7.12版本开始,GitLab CI使用YAML文件(.gitlab-ci.yml)来管理项目配置。该文件...
In most places, cid and uid (comic and user numbers, respectively) shouldn't be treated as plain numbers. They shouldn't typically be compared or used in arithmetic. They're represented as 32 bit integers in the database and they end up being typed asIntorInt32variably andfromIntegralis u...
company network. The only caveat was that I updated the Containerfile to COPY our cert bundle and RUN chmod o+r so that the runner user can access it (I could mount the volume, but then it will only be there for the build, and I still need it for connecting to our Gitlab instance...
The program crashes and restarts without any visible cause, some times without any interaction. Possible Solution Please review this logcat output: 04-08 23:00:52.295 1338 4172 E BpBinder: Too many binder proxy objects sent to uid 1000 from uid 10183 (6000 proxies held)04-08 23:00:52.296 ...
Created by: schoensee There is a never solved bug in php see: to get $direct_access_allowed in my...
首先介绍GitLab CI/CD的基础知识,包括CI/CD的几个几本概念(流水线、阶段、作业等);然后介绍CitLab CI/CD的35个关键词、每个关键词的语法及其使用场景,并给出一些示例;最后介绍GitLab CI/CD的实践,通过3种不同的项目详细讲解各种部署方式、GitLab CI/CD与Kubernetes的集成,以及如何将项目部署到Kubernetes集群中...
本书以搭建企业级DevOps应用平台为目标,从云原生技术基础容器以及Kubernetes技术入手;然后介绍了GitLab CI/CD的常见功能应用;最后从零开始,以经典的前后端项目为例,以解决企业内研发流程的困境为思路,一步一步地将整个项目的DevOps流水线创建起来。此外,还结合Kubernetes技术进行可动态伸缩的弹性部署上线。