Backup and restore configuration on a Linux package installation It is recommended to keep a copy of/etc/gitlab, or at least of/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json, in a safe place. If you ever need to restore a GitLab application backup you need to also restoregitlab-secrets.json. If you...
If you ever need to restore a GitLab application backup you need to also restore gitlab-secrets.json. If you do not, GitLab users who are using two-factor authentication will lose access to your GitLab server and ‘secure variables’ stored in GitLab CI will be lost. ...
1. gailab backup目录切换: mkdir -p /gitlab/backups #创建目录 chown git:root /gitlab #改变属主为git chown git:git /gitlab/backups #属组属主都为git 2.修改配置文件 vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rc gitlab_rails['manage_backup_path'] = true gitlab_rails['backup_path'] = "/gitlab/backup...
我们可以使用SSH连接或SCP命令来实现: ```shell scp username@gitlab-server:/var/opt/gitlab/backups/YYYY_MM_DD_gitlab_backup.tar /local/path ``` 将`username`替换为你的用户名,`gitlab-server`替换为GitLab服务器地址,`YYYY_MM_DD_gitlab_backup.tar`替换为备份文件名,`/local/path`替换为你想要...
从GitLab备份获取工作文件(源代码工件)是指从GitLab版本控制系统的备份中获取项目的源代码文件或其他工作文件。GitLab是一种基于Git的代码托管平台,它提供了版本控制、代码协作和持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD)等功能。 在GitLab中,每个项目都有一个仓库,开发人员可以将源代码和其他工作文件推送到该仓库中进行版本控制和...
所以才有了这个项目,专门用来备份git仓库,无惧仓库损坏或被误删~ gitlab-backup使用说明 通过使用python-gitlab调用gitlab API遍历repositories对其进行备份。 如果git repository在本地存在则进行git fetch,反之则进行git clone。 安装依赖 pip install -r requirements.txt 注意: - python版本应为2.7(python-gitlab...
gitlab:backup:create is failing with pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR: permission denied for schema gitlabhq_production Steps to reproduce sudo gitlab-ctl reconfiguresudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create What is the currentbugbehavior?
在gitlab运行时,执行命令gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create即可备份,效果如下 #执行命令 gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create ,进行备份 [root@gitlab1 ~]# gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create 2020-08-17 10:26:27 +0800 -- Dumping database ... ...
Summary We run two instances of gitlab. An active and a passive instance. The passive instance restores a backup from the...
os.system("rm -rf"+dir) os.system("git clone -b"+ branch +""+ url.replace("http://","http://xxx:xxx@") +""+dir)if__name__=='__main__': gitlab=GitlabBackup() gitlab.backup_projects()