[remote rejected]master->master(branch is currently checked out)error:failed to push some refs to ‘git@192.168.1.X:/var/git.server/…/web’ 这是由于git默认拒绝了push操作,需要进行设置,修改.git/config添加如下代码:[receive]denyCurrentBranch=ignore(当然如果是git –bare init这样建立的仓库,在server...
1)资源:pc一台(windows)、Eclipse(装有egit插件)、用vmware虚拟出一台机器(centos7 + 安装有git) 2)在虚拟机上搭建git服务器 ---> 从eclipse的git repositories中 clone 虚拟机上的git仓库 ---> 在仓库上Import porjects 一个全新的项目 三、步骤 1)在虚拟机上安装git (略过) 2)创建一个用户(比如就叫...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于windows server 2019部署gitlab的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及windows server 2019部署gitlab问答内容。更多windows server 2019部署gitlab相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
When I try to start my gitlab runner, an error happens: Failed to start gitlab-runner: The system cannot find the path specified. I opened the powershell with Administrator.
Summary We're trying to build dotnet-core projects with a gitlab-runner on a central Windows Server 2019. Unfortunately, we're getting "Access denied"...
之前有考虑过自己搭建一个 GitLab 管理代码来着,但是本地服务器是Windows Server,弄起来可能会比较麻烦,就暂时劝退了。 今天突发奇想,在群晖的套件中心搜了一下,还真有,哈哈!直接点击安装。 系统会提示,需要先安装 Docker,一路确定就可以了。 安装完成,需要初始化 GitLab 配置,开启 SMTP(配置邮件发送),我这以...
mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809-amd64 mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019 Supported Docker versions GitLab Runner uses Docker to detect what version of Windows Server is running. Hence, a Windows Server running GitLab Runner must be running a recent version of Docker. A known...
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