原因是因为旧的 webhook 与新的 webhook 存在兼容性问题 ==> /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log <== ActionView::Template::Error (): 1: %li 2: .row 3: .col-md-8.col-lg-7 4: %strong.light-header= hook.url 5: %div 6: - hook.class.triggers.each_value do |trigger| 7...
之后再对仓库进行push就能够正常触发Jenkins构建(如果webhook记录报403到Jenkins中的安全设置关掉代理设置) image.png 以下摘自文中的发言 [Douwe Maan @DouweM](https://gitlab.com/DouweM)commented[4days ago](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/44480#note_71666997)Master Thanksforthe ping,...
For each webhook, all event test are ok EXCEPT for the merge request event test which leads to an error 500 code page “Whoops, something went wrong on our end.” from Gitlab. This is happening now, after the last Gitlab update to version 15.7. Everything was ok before. ...
可是我的gitlab-secrets.json文件也丢失了,没有备份这个文件。 后来在官方issue里找到解决方法,使用api删除webhook就可以了。 不过删除后,"集成"页面可以访问,但是原来的钩子配置也没有了,需要重新配置。 方法如下: 1.通过web页面,获取project_id 2.通过project_id,查找出hook_id# gitlab-rails dbgitlabhq_product...
500 Error testing for Webhook 500 Whoops, something went wrong on our end. Try refreshing the page, or going back and attempting the action again. Please contact your GitLab administrator if this problem persists. Please could you provide some more information about the environment where you ...
gitlab 500 error 搭建webhook时,遇到了500error,完全不知道该怎么解决,目前jenkins和gitlab在一起搭建的,配置保存时报的500,有大神知道是怎么回事吗? Ruby: ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux] GitLab: 13.11.4 (cea3c37b30e) FOSS...
I don't think this needs to bee checked by default, but a propper documentation and a check if the hook url is a local one during the creation of a webhook and a propper error message at all would be nice. Unknown 500 Internal Server Error does not help at all. ...
本来没打算处理这个,可是为了在构建后给钉钉发消息,貌似需要在Integrations里增加Webhook,只好来解决这个问题。 一、日志里有信息么 Webook Integration is giving 500 error and in Log is Net::OpenTimeout (execution expired)stackoverflow.com/questions/53986350/webook-integration-is-giving-500-error-and-...
3.Gitlab中配置webhook Gitlab指定代码仓库-设置-Webhooks,将构建触发器中的webhook url复制到Webhooks...
I even went to Webhook of the project in Gitlab and on clicking on “Test” it gave me 500 error. Note: Both Gitlab and Jenkins and its plugins are updated to the latest version available. Jenkins Server: Please Help!! 1 Like Webhooks not possible to own...