在Windows下安装VS Code比较简单,setup即可;也可直接使用其免安装版,本文使用了免安装版,解压zip文件后,双击Code.exe即可,界面如下: 点击上图左侧红线处图标,打开插件配置栏,POPULAR显示推荐的插件,可以直接点击install安装。安装插件需要联网。 点击上方三个点按钮,选择show Installed Extension, 显示当前已安装的所有插...
在设置的搜索设置中输入git.path,点击settings.json 在文件中添加 “git.path”: “E:/Git/Git/bin/git.exe(git的安装目录下bin文件夹下的git.exe)” 即可完成git路径的配置,之后重启一下vs code。 2. vs code git使用git一些命令使用(主要为GitBash上使用,前面均要加git) add “文件名” 添加文件。 add...
xuc@stella:~/Documents/git$ ls hiviewer relation.log xuc@stella:~/Documents/git$ ls hiviewer/ data doc hiviewer LICENSE README.md setup.py 里面内容如上。你也可以动手在网页版先建一个仓库,里面简单的放一个文件做测试。 分支 分支管理、 Git 分支管理 | 菜鸟教程,这一节主要参考廖雪峰的 就像...
VS Code 1.82.0 or later. Security Findingsrequires GitLab Workflow version 3.74.0 or later, and GitLab Ultimate. To find your GitLab version, visit/help(likehttps://gitlab.com/help). Features These features require you to set up your access token. See theSetupsection for instructions. ...
In Windows, once SSH keys are settled in your machine and you have Git installed (e.g., Git-2.20.1-64-bit.exe), you then need to setup the Git inside Visual Studio Code. In the terminal of Visual Studio Code, set up the global configuration: git config --global user.name "xx xxx...
There is also an independent marketplace called open-vsx used mainly by VSCodium but also by GitPod and others. Developing extensions in GitLab If you'd like to try and develop your own extension, you can fork the gitlab-example-extension project. It contains a complete setup for linting...
macOS setup Runner Operator on OpenShift Running behind a proxy Rate limited requests Graphical processing units Self-signed certificates System services Speed up job execution Tutorial: Configure GitLab Runner to use the Google Kubernetes Engine Troubleshooting Administer...
As part of GitLab 13.5, automatic setup and configuration of code intelligence for Go projects has been added to Auto DevOps. Once you run a new pipeline you will be able to take advantage of GitLab code intelligence. As more languages become available as part of the LSIF standard, we pl...
macOS setup Runner Operator on OpenShift Running behind a proxy Rate limited requests Graphical processing units Self-signed certificates System services Speed up job execution Tutorial: Configure GitLab Runner to use the Google Kubernetes Engine Troubleshooting Administer...
轮到CodePipeline 上场: version:0.2env:variables:PIP_CACHE_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cache/pip"phases:test:-python setup.py test-pip install tox flake8 # you can also use tox-tox -e py36,flake8run:-python setup.py bdist_wheel-pip install dist/* ...