2、选择access tokens,填写信息生成token 三、使用 1、登录gitlab import gitlab #url: gitlab地址;token: 刚才生成的token gl = gitlab.Gitlab(url, token) 1. 2. 3. 4. 2、Project 2.1 创建用户|项目|组 #直接创建项目 project = gl.projects.create({'name':'project1'}) # 创建用户 """ 常用...
通过Token 设置 点击Log In with Token... 会弹出Add GitHubh Account框,输入我们在 GitHub 上创建的 Token 信息即可 如果还没有生成过或者丢失了之前创建的 Token,可以直接点击Generate...进行自动生成,默认已勾好权限 修改并确认无误后,点击Generate token即可进行生成 Token 生成之后,只会在当前页面显示一次,需...
解决方式:点击fie->settings->plugins,选择已安装的搜索gitlab,然后禁用掉gitlab插件,点击ok保存设置,之后再使用gitlab拉去代码就可以使用账号登陆(或者使用已配置好凭证登录) 2、使用gitlab账号登录后,如果需要gitlab插件,你可以再去settings里面启用gitlab插件,依然不会影响正常使用gitlab...
We ran into an issue where a Gitlab Project Access Token simply would not work when trying to clone a repository it definitely had permission to, it would report this error: You are not allowed to download code from this project. It turns out that Project Access Tokens i...
然而,重新运行sudo gitlab-runner register --url --registration-token iDJ7UJLyxobQuynTewTz依旧没有啥卵用。。。又经过一番 Google,最终找到了如下方法(必须手动指定证书): sudo gitlab-runner register \--non-interactive \--tls-ca-file=/etc/gitlab/ssl/
第一种:Gitlab projectexport / import 任意一个Gitlab实例中的项目,都能通过导出成文件然后导入到新Gitlab的方式来完成迁移。 优点 支持Gitlab之间的数据迁移,故而可以从多个Gitlab迁移数据到一个Gitlab; 操作简单,流程不是很复杂,可以通过调用API实现导入导出。
Context Gitlab plugin version: 1.5.11 Gitlab version: 11.7.0-rc4-ee Jenkins version: 2.157 Job type: Pipeline, Freestyle, Matrix, etc. Logs & Traces Failed to update Gitlab commit status for project '/': HTTP 403 Forbidden Finished: SUCC...
gitlabhq_production=>UPDATE projects SET runners_token=null,runners_token_encrypted=null;UPDATE16gitlabhq_production=>UPDATE namespaces SET runners_token=null,runners_token_encrypted=null;UPDATE33gitlabhq_production=>UPDATE application_settings SET runners_registration_token_encrypted=null;UPDATE1gitlabhq_product...
token Antoine-g February 10, 2021, 10:59am 1 Hello, Does anyone else struggle with the personal access tokens? We have used these on our project for a while now, but they suddenly stopped working with the nuget package manager or even in curl they return a 401. Has anything changed ...
Project `Path/To/Ci/Templates/Project` not found or access denied! I assume, since the project access token is project related and do not have access to thePath/To/Ci/Templates/Projectit fails automatically. I’ve searched for a way to not trigger the pipeline at all for this user but ...