@文心快码BaiduComategitlab there are merge conflicts 文心快码BaiduComate 在GitLab中遇到合并冲突是一个常见的问题,通常发生在尝试合并两个或多个分支时,这些分支在相同文件的相同部分做了不同的更改。以下是根据你的提示,解决GitLab中合并冲突的步骤: 1. 确认存在合并冲突的GitLab项目以及分支 首先,你需要知道...
When I locally execute a merge of the latest feature branch into master, it executes without conflicts (i.e. there are no merge conflicts in the feature branch after step#2 (closed)) When I look at the "Commits" tab of my feature branch / merge request, it does not show the UI-crea...
New Merge Request -->默认到master的,点右上角Change branches-->Target branch 选择devlop,点击Compare branches and continue按钮, -->Description填写修改内容-->点击Submit merge request-->Merge(如果按钮是灰色的会提示There are merge conflicts有合并冲突,需要解决冲突才能合并) --- Introduction to GitLab ...
The has_conflicts attribute indicates if there are merge conflicts, and the blocking_discussions_resolved attribute indicates if there are unresolved discussions. These new attributes are particularly helpful for automation, determining what action is required to make the merge request mergeable. Thanks ...
In the past I was able to justCloseand thenRe-opena large Merge Request to either receive theThere are merge conflictsmessage or the greenMergebutton, but not forthisparticular Merge Request. EDIT:Actually, I just resolved the Merge Loop error as well.See this post. ...
Because all conflicts must be resolved at once, if any of the conflicts for a merge request can't be resolved in the GitLab UI, then the conflicts must be resolved manually. What's next? There are plenty of places for improving our current implementation, and we'd love to hear of ones...
Create two branches, and make conflicting changes on each. Do a merge request from branch 1 to branch 2. When attempting to merge there will be a warning, "There are merge conflicts". In order to resolve this, click on "Resolve Conflicts", and you will see on the following page that ...
Merge conflict editor Introduced in GitLab 8.13. The merge conflict resolution editor allows for more complex merge conflicts, which require the user to manually modify a file in order to resolve a conflict, to be solved right form the GitLab interface. Use theEdit inlinebutton to open the ed...
Merge conflict editor Introduced in GitLab 8.13. The merge conflict resolution editor allows for more complex merge conflicts, which require the user to manually modify a file in order to resolve a conflict, to be solved right form the GitLab interface. Use theEdit inlinebutton to open the ed...
There are so many good things in GitLab 8.11, that I struggle to introduce all this without turning to superlatives. So, without further ado:With GitLab 8.11 you get a completely new way to manage your issues, you can resolve merge conflicts in the interface, you can restrict pushes to ...