提交信息中添加关键字 [ci skip] 或者[skip ci]; Git 2.10 更高版本,可以通过以下配置设置CI/CD; ## 跳过 git push -o ci.skip ## 传递变量 git push -o ci.variable="MAX_RETRIES=10" -o ci.variable="MAX_TIME=600" 3.trigger 触发下游管道 源文档 触发项目管道 触发子管道 strategy: 默认情况...
Gitlab CI就会执行文件中编写的步骤. 每次代码提交都会触发Gitlab CI的运行, 执行每个步骤, 如果某些修改,如只修改文档,不会影响项目代码正确性的话,可以跳过CI的执行.要跳过CI的执行,在commt的message里加入"[skip ci]"(不分大小写)
任何git commit指令的option都能用在git cz指令上, 例如git cz -a Commit message规范在rrd-fe落地使用情况 针对团队目前使用的情况,我们讨论后拟定了commit message每一部分的填写规则。 1. type type为必填项,用于指定commit的类型,约定了feat、fix两个主要type,以及docs、style、build、refactor、revert五个特殊ty...
- $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /skip-end-to-end-tests/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. only:changes/except:changes changes策略表明一个作业只有在使用git push事件使文件发生变化时执行。 下面这个例子中,deploy作业仅当流水线是计划作业或者在master主干运行: docker build: script: docker build -t my-image:$CI_COMMIT...
执行job依赖commit message的用例(在11.0中增加): end-to-end:script:rake test:end-to-endexcept:variables:-$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE=~/skip-end-to-end-tests/ 学习更多的变量表达式在另一个单独的页面 only:changes 在only或者except关键字使得根据git push的文件是否修改来判断job是否应该被创建成为可能。
Project has CI yaml definition workflow:rules:- if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /^\[ci skip\]/when: never- when: always For skipping commits by maven release-plugin from within the CI/CD pipeline. these still create annoying "Skipped" pipeline entries to the pipeline list. I want to to comp...
{publishType}--releaseCommitMessageFormat "chore(release): {{currentTag}} [skip ci] "`);awaitexecCommand(`npm publish --tag${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME==='main'?'latest':'beta'}`);awaitexecCommand(`git push https://gitlab-ci-token:${GIT_PUSH_TOKEN}@项目地址/ HEAD:${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}...
GitLab CI/CD. In the following example, .hidden_job will be ignored: .hidden_job: script: - run test Use this feature to ignore jobs, or use the special YAML features and transform the hidden jobs into templates.Skip PipelineIf your commit message contains [ci skip] or [skip ci], usi...
If you place [ci skip] in the commit message, then the pipeline is skipped. But then, by hand, the pipeline cannot be launched through the “Run pipeline” button. You need to make a new commit without [ci skip] 1 Like LIAISON-ambition-spoApril 25, 2021, 11:09am4 ...
What is GitLab? Simplify your toolchain All the essential DevSecOps tools in one place. Accelerate software delivery Automation, AI-powered workflows, and more. Try Code Suggestions Integrate security Security that’s built in, not bolted on. Try CI/CD Deploy anywhere Say goodbye to cloud ...