一、报错现象 Git刚问gitlab仓库时报ssl证书错误,“ SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate”。 这种情况下都是gitlab启用了https访问,但是有没有配置证书,这种情况下,如果时内网访问时,就直接把证书验证给关闭掉,但如果是线上互联网环境还是老老实实配个证书吧! 现在介绍下内网环境下如何处理这个问题。
这个错误提示表明在访问给定的URL时,遇到了SSL证书的问题。错误消息中提到了 "self signed certificate",这意味着SSL证书是自签名的,而不是由受信任的证书颁发机构签发的。 在Python中,可以通过禁用SSL证书验证来解决此问题,但这会降低安全性。请注意,这仅适用于测试或开发目的。在生产环境中,强烈建议使用受信任的证...
在访问特定URL时,若收到"fatal: unable to access"及"SSL certificate problem self signed certificate"错误提示,表示遇到了SSL证书问题。此问题源于自签名证书,而非受信任证书颁发机构签发的证书。解决此问题,可在Python中禁用SSL证书验证,但这会降低安全性。仅适用于测试或开发环境,在生产环境中,...
igenerals关注赞赏支持GitLab服务器TLS证书问题导致:self signed certificate igenerals关注IP属地: 河北 2017.12.04 16:28:46字数38阅读1,024 问题描述:如题所述 解决方案:打开终端,通过如下命令,配置证书检查 git config --global http.sslVerify false©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 0人点赞 服...
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2FA enabled and you must use a personal access token instead of a password. See ...
## [Optional] Generate a self-signed ssl certificate: ## mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl/ ## cd /etc/nginx/ssl/ ## sudo openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -nodes -days 3560 -out gitlab.crt -keyout gitlab.key ## sudo chmod o-r gitlab.key ...
此时,则可以通过设置环境变量GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY的值为true的方法来禁用git clone过程中的ssl校验。 HTTPS原理和通信流程 gitlab官网:Self-signed certificates or custom Certification Authorities Ubuntu官方:Installing a root CA certificate in the trust store 禁用git的ssl校验...
gitlab.rb to add the keycloak as the openid connect provider. when click the keycloak login button, the web return 500 error the and production log show: OpenIDConnect::Discovery::DiscoveryFailed (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate)):...
Hello, here are the steps I had to take to get self-signed certificate working: Create and install CA and webserver certificates:https://gist.github.com/mrts/336adc0a9d6636884082bb56a218d326 Test sudo gitlab-runner register sudo gitlab-runner verify ``` ...
根据Wassim 的回答,以及关于 tls-self-signed 和 custom CA-signed certificates 的 gitlab 文档,如果您不是 gitlab 服务器的管理员,而只是服务器的运行者(如果运行者以根用户身份运行): SERVER=gitlab.example.com PORT=443CERTIFICATE=/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/${SERVER}.crt# Create the certificates hierarch...