gitlab runner 遇到的几个坑 1. 提交了代码没有触发,一直停留在pending 报错:This job is stuck, because you don't have any active runners that can run this job. 原因: 注册gitlab runner 的时候,有一步提示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Can run untagged jobs:[false/true] 默认值为false。这句话的...
when I see for that process while that job is running inside the machine, and in /proc/process_id/fd/, able to see the result, why UI is getting stuck and connection between gitlab and gitlab ci is failing? Current runner version : 13.8, and also upgraded to latest,. Sometimes it i...
1. 提交了代码没有触发,一直停留在pending 报错:This job is stuck, because you don't have any active runners that can run this job. 原因: 注册gitlab runner 的时候,有一步提示: Can run untagged jobs: [false/true] 默认值为false。这句话的意思是:是否在没有标记tag的job上运行,如果选择默认值f...
chmod +x gitlab-runner #设置路径到普通用户配置下 cd ~ vi .bash_profile export PATH=${HOME}/local/bin:${PATH} #刷新配置 source .bash_profile #用户模式后台运行,如果可以增加crontab自动启动等限制,未运行会stuck nohup gitlab-runner run & >/dev/null 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10...
stuck_or_timeout_failure :作业卡住或超时时。 runner_system_failure :运行系统发生故障。 missing_dependency_failure: 如果依赖丢失。 runner_unsupported :Runner不受支持。 stale_schedule :无法执行延迟的作业。 job_execution_timeout :脚本超出了为作业设置的最大执行时间。
Gitlab runner stuck on running state Steps to reproduce Just start pipeline and it gets stuck on running state Example Project What is the current bug behavior? Happening on all project What is the expected correct behavior? It should run pipeline and from running state it should move to passe...
Gitlab runner stuck on running state Steps to reproduce Just start pipeline and it gets stuck on running state Example Project What is the currentbugbehavior? Happening on all project What is the expectedcorrectbehavior? It should run pipeline and from running state it should move to passed/fail...
only指定了只有在master分支push的时候才会被执行。tags这里要填写deploy,对应了刚才注册runner的时候的tags,否则会报错(This build is stuck, because you don't have any active runners online with any of these tags assigned to them: dev),若是忘记tag是什么,可以到gitlab上查看详细Runner。
报错Runner stuck at "New runner. Has not connected yet." 改了半天 原来吧 gitlab-ci.yml 文件名 写错了 前面应该加个 点 .gitlab-ci.yml 终于成功 变成一个 job image.png 迈出成功第一步 下一步错误 image.png Fetchingchanges with git depth set to50...[13](http://localhost/root/gitlabproj...
最近在Centos7上面安装了最新版本的gitlab-runner(12.4.1),使用过程中发现pipeline报错:stuck。 经查阅资料、排查发现:.gitlab-ci.yml必须要配置tags,指定使用哪个gitlab-runner才可以。 .gitlab-ci.yml示例 before_script:-PATH=$PATH:.-makecleanafter_script:-makecleanstages:-build-deployjob1:tags:-go# 这...