I'm new to continous integration on iOS, I try to run build with gitlab-runner and use shell as executor but I got issue that pod cannot run as root I am sure that I am not installing cocoapods with sudo and I try run whoami at before_script and that's right my runner run as ...
gitlab-runner是GitLab CI/CD的一个组件,用于执行CI/CD任务。默认情况下,gitlab-runner以root用户身份运行,这是因为root用户具有更高的权限,可以执行更多的操作。 然而,以root用户身份运行gitlab-runner存在一些安全风险,因此建议将其配置为以非特权用户身份运行。这样可以减少潜在的安全漏洞,并提高...
GitLab CI - gitlab-runner以root身份运行 基础概念 GitLab CI(Continuous Integration)是GitLab提供的一个持续集成工具,用于自动化构建、测试和部署代码。gitlab-runner是GitLab CI的执行器,负责运行CI作业。 相关优势 自动化流程:通过GitLab CI,可以自动化代码的构建、测试和部署过程,提高开发效率。 并行执行:支...
在runner执行过程中大多数是文件夹不存在,无权限。 sudo gitlab-runner uninstall # 删除gitlab-runner gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --user root # 安装并设置--user(设置为root) sudo service gitlab-runner restart # 重启gitlab-runner ps aux|grep gitlab-runner # 查...
docker run --rm -t -i gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine --help # -it 使用交互式终端 # --rm 自动删除 1. 2. 3. 重启gitlab-runner docker restart gitlab-runner 1. 升级版本 # 获取最新 docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine docker stop gitlab-runner && docker rm gitlab-runner ...
In a machine we have 2 runners running, one of them is a docker runner and the other one is a shell runner. We have a gitlab-runner user,...
1.卸载gitlab-runner默认用户 sudo gitlab-runner uninstall 1. 2.将用户设置为root sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --user root 1. 3.重启服务 sudo systemctl restart gitlab-runner.service 1. 4.查看gitlab-runner进程 ...
gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest run --user root --working-directory /root Update configuration If you change the configuration inconfig.toml, you might need to restart the runner to apply the change. Theconfig.tomlis the configuration file that you use to configure runners, and is created when ...
[root@anolis-7-9 ~]# ``` 根据日志中的事件可知, 使用的帮助镜像是registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-f5da3c5a, 有可能会拉取失败,可以自定义拉取镜像名称。 如果无法访问http://registry.gitlab.com域名或拉取镜像速度较慢,可使用docker hub 镜像、作者 docker...
安装/升级时,提示内容一下:docker in docker需要特权身份运行, 如果已经设置了特权身份运行,则不会提示下方极狐GitLab Runner 警告,但是还是无法使用docker in docker,会出现下一步的错误 [root@anolis-7-9 ~]# helm upgrade -n gitlab-test --install my-gitlab gitlab/gitlab -f my-gitlab.yaml --time...