sudo gitlab-runner register --url --registration-token yourGitLabToken 但出于某些安全方面的原因,如果我们的gitlab服务器的证书并不在拟运行单元测试主机的有效验证范围,则会报一个如下错误: This solves the x509: certificate signed by unknown authority problem when...
gitlab-runner是GitLab CI/CD的一个组件,用于执行CI/CD任务。它是一个轻量级的代理程序,可以在各种操作系统上运行,并与GitLab服务器进行通信。 x509是一种公钥基础设施(PKI)标准,用于证书的格式和编码。x509证书由数字签名机构(CA)签署,用于验证和加密网络通信。 "由未知机构签署的证书"表示该证书的签...
ERROR: Preparation failed: error during connect: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (executor_docker.go:979:0s) 搜索错误原因,提示是docker找不到tls相关的证书,但是git-runner的主机上已经配置好了证书,docker命令可以正常执行。 仔细阅读gitlab文档,在ht...
ERROR: Preparation failed: error during connect: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (executor_docker.go:979:0s) 搜索错误原因,提示是docker找不到tls相关的证书,但是git-runner的主机上已经配置好了证书,docker命令可以正常执行。 仔细阅读gitlab文档,在ht...
修改镜像拉取策略 修改配置文件:/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml 在对应 runner 节点下添加 pull_...
$gitlab-runner register 注册runner时发生错误,提示x509错误,该错误为证书错误,由于使用的是私有的免费证书,因此出现这个错误信息,解决办法是让客户端认可服务器的这个私有证书。 1、在服务器上/etc/gitlab/ssl/server.crt中有服务器的证书。 2、将上述证书放到runner所在客户机的~/.gitlab-runner/certs/下,文件...
ERROR: Registering runner... failed runner=9Hcilm8k status=couldn't execute POST against Post x509: certificate signed by unknown authorityPANIC: Failed to register this runner. Perhaps you are having net...
and when I use the commandgitlab-ci-multi-runner registerI get thex509: certificate signed by unknown authorityerror. Is there a way to tell (I don't know like a --selfsigned flag) the runner not to verify the authority for the self-sign cert ? Has someone been able to use self-si...
Post https://xxxx/ci/api/v1/runners/register.json: x509: cannot validate certificate for xxxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs 有没有办法禁用认证验证? 我正在使用 Gitlab 8.13.1 和 gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.11.2。 根据Wassim 的回答,以及关于 tls-self-signed 和 custom CA-signed certi...
场景是极狐GitLab Runner 添加 MinIO 域名 host的时候却无法验证 MinIO(缓存服务器)域名证书 解决方案 下载证书 # 下载证书 openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -servername < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > minio...