Summary CI Linter shows Error: Network error: Request failed with status code 500 when the code is on incorrect include...
A HTTP status 500 means that something on the server side went wrong. In case the client (in this case the gitlab-plugin) sends wrong data to the server the server should respond with a HTTP status 400. macneib commented Jun 1, 2016 If you look at your git logs gitlab-ctl tail y...
This error might occur when you create or update a runner and the database does not have a unique index for thetagstable. In the GitLab UI, you might get aResponse not successful: Received status code 500error. This issue might affect long-lived instances that have gone through many major...
"duration_ms":0,"host":"hub.gitlab.myteam . com","level":"info","method":"GET","msg":"access","proto":"HTTP/1.0","referrer":"","remote_addr":"","remote_ip":"","status":401,"system":"http","time":"2023-09-01T19...
When sending a job to an external Worker, the following error occurs:WARNING: Appending trace to coordinator... failed code=500 job=577 job-log= jo b-status= runner=VzMD15N6 sent-log=335-49265 status=500 Internal Server Error up date-interval=0s ... responds with HTTP status code403for 15 minutes, if 300 failed authentication requests were received in a 1-minute period from a single IP address. This applies only to Git requests and container registry (/jwt/auth) requests (combined). ...
{"correlation_id":"QSy6kGgQpr7","duration_ms":0,"error":"badgateway: failed to receive response: dial tcp connect: connection refused","level":"error","method":"POST","msg":"error","time":"2020-06-23T07:40:31-07:00","uri":"/api/v4/jobs/request"} ...
UsingKubernetesnamespace:defaultERROR:Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided,trysetting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable 原因:k8s地址未配置 修改文件 vim /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml ...
When I invoke remote.push API using nodegit, It tells me "request failed with status code: 401", and I use below codes aspushOptions:(username and password are both used to sign in git lab server) {callbacks:{credentials:function(){returnnodegit.cred.userpassPlaintextNew(username,password...
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