Create$CI_COMMIT_TAGscript:- |release-cli create \--name "Release ${VERSION}" \--tag-name $CI_COMMIT_TAG \--description "Your release notes here" \--assets-link "{\"name\":\"Asset Name\",\"url...
TheGitLab Release CLIconsumes instructions in the:releasenode of the.gitlab-ci.ymlto create a Release object in GitLab Rails. GitLab Release is a CLI application written inGolang The GitLab Release CLI is a decoupled utility that may be called by the GitLab Runner, by a third-party CI...
Create a changelog from the GitLab CLI Changelogs generate comprehensive lists of changes based on commits to a project. They can be challenging to automate or view, and require interacting with the GitLab API. With the release ofGitLab CLI v1.30.0you can now generate changelogs for projects...
.markdownlint-cli2.yaml .nvmrc .prettierignore .prettierrc .projections.json.example .rubocop.yml .ruby-version .solargraph.yml.example .stylelintrc .vale.ini .yamllint AI_GATEWAY_VERSION ...
Release:持续部署,自动将你的应用程序部署到生产环境 持续交付,手动点击以将你的应用程序部署到生产环境...
使用CLI 设置自定义 Git 服务器 hooks 现在,管理员可以使用Gitaly CLI的新hooks设置命令为仓库设置Git服务器hooks。Gitaly CLI命令以单个Gitaly节点为目标,将提供的自定义Git服务器hooks应用到指定的仓库。你可以用它来在Gitaly的仓库中以编程方式推出Git服务器hooks。
GitLab CLI Installing Installing If you are setting up a new GitLab installation please see the download GitLab page. Updating Updating Check out our update page. Questions? Questions? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Visit the GitLab Forum and let us know if you have questions abo...
glab release glab repo glab schedule glab snippet glab ssh-key glab user glab variable GitLab Duo for the CLI History The GitLab CLI includes features powered byGitLab Duo. These include: glab duo ask To ask questions aboutgitcommands while you work, type: ...
gitcli clone > getclone /home/yanglei/work/src/ getclone