由于Git抓取和克隆是基于一个REF,例如分支的名称,所以Runner不能指定克隆一个commit SHA。如果队列中有多个jobs,或者您正在重试旧的job,则需要测试的提交应该在克隆的Git历史记录中存在。设置GIT_DEPTH太小的值可能会导致无法运行哪些旧的commits。在job日志中可以查看unresolved reference。你应该考虑设置GIT_DEPTH为一个...
reference[.deploy_setup,before_script]-update_helm_repo $ALIYUN_REGISTRY_NAME $ALIYUN_REGISTRY_PWD-helm--kubeconfig=/opt/config-$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH install $CI_PROJECT_NAME--set env=$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH haimati/spring--version 0.1.0-n $appprefix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 复...
for files changed between specific revisions. --><!-- Can be empty (ignored), Git-commit or any Git-reference --><diffFrom></diffFrom><!-- Same as above --><diffTo></diffTo><!-- INFO, WARN or ERROR --><diffMinSeverity>INFO</diffMinSeverity><!-- PER_FILE_COMPACT, COMPACT or...
Although this is not specifically asked in the original question, it may be worth adding that one can also cross-reference a previous commit in a new commit message in Gitlab. You do it by copying the hash from the commit message you want to reference and simply pasting it in the new c...
[root@etcd1 my-project]# git commit -m "add index.html" git push命令用于将本地分支的更新,推送到远程主机。 [root@etcd1 my-project]# git push 去gitlab界面上看文件是否推送过去,可以看到index.html被推送到gitlab代码仓库了。 自此gitlab代码仓库配置完成,但是还缺触发jenkins,等安装好jenkins再配置。
. 的意思是将当前文件夹下的全部文件放到版本管理中git add .# 提交文件 使用 -m 编写注释git commit -m"注释"# 推送到远程分支git push 当然,如果远程仓库本身是空的(没有任何文件),这步骤如下: #git初始化git init#关联远程仓库git remote add --origin Github_xxx 远程仓库地址#将全部文件加入git版本管...
4. Commit the file to the main branch. Add a commit message. Make sure the branch is set to main. Click the Commit changes button. Commit changes dialog Once the file has been merged, the defined pipeline will kick off. You can go back to your project andview the pipelinein action by...
I have a project in Gitlab self hosted which contains no more important LFS files. We forced push a new tree (with just one commit) with all the files we need. Via Git log command, I can confirm this commit is not a merge one nor have parents. The size on the ...
reference a commit in an issue comment or in another commit message like we can do with issue 28 1 Child items 0 Show labels No child items are currently assigned. Use child items to break down this issue into smaller parts. Linked items 0 Link issues together to show that they'...
1.Gitlab 给我们预先定义的变量,比如CI_COMMIT_BRANCH. Predefined variables reference | GitLab 2.Setting => Gitlab CI/CD => variables 中定义的变量 3.在.gitlab-ci.yml 中定义的变量(如下示例) GitLabhttps://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/index.html#create-a-custom-cicd-variable-in-the-gi...