### push local projects to remote old_projectName = old_projectURL.split('/')[-1] os.chdir(os.path.join(root_path,old_projectName)) push_cmd = 'git push --mirror ' + new_projectURL.strip() os.system(push_cmd) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15...
git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin http://gitlab.magedu.com/mao/lmweb1.git git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. git push -u origin --all和git push -u origin --tags是用于将本地所有分支和标签推送到远程仓库的 Git 命令。
// <REPO>:包括<>在内的全部字符替换成你要访问的仓库名称 git remote set-url origin https://<your_token>@github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git git push GithubTest2022 master 3)配置github的ssh密钥--Windows(推荐) 打开Git Bash查看电脑上是否已经存在SSH密钥 $cd~/.ssh/ 创建新的ssh key $ ssh-key...
然后删除git remote并重新添加(在本地服务器上使用git repo推送到gitlab):通过
1.配置网卡及Ubuntu仓库源 1)配置网卡eth0,本地内网网卡无需指定网关和域名服务器 network: vers...
git pushorigin<local_branch_name>:<remote_branch_name> 例如: git pushorigin2.0.1.20120806:一般当前如果不在该分支时,使用这种方式提交。如果当前在2.0.1.20120806分支下,也可以直接提交 git push6.删除远程分支 git pushorigin:develop
Unable to import repo to gitlab.com by using git-push Summary I cloned a mirror of my remote, ran git-lfs-migrate, git-gc, and attempted to push the mirror to gitlab.com multiple times. On each push attempt, I tried different suggestions found online: ...
I only get this message when trying topushfrom my development server. I can push and pull from my local environment fine, and I can pull to my development server fine. I was able to temporarily resolve this issue by setting the repo to HTTPS instead of SSH as the related thread suggest...
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