编辑第一个配置文件, 找到 volumes 加入 "/usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker", "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" vim /srv/gitlab-runner/config/config.toml [root@izwz99pke7zxkpm7l51t8jz ~]# vim /srv/gitlab-runner/config/config.toml volumes = ["/cache","/usr/bin/docker:/us...
/assets/wrapper: line 115: gitlab-ctl: command not found 是runsvdir-start和gitlab-ctl启动文件找不到。 报错分析: 首先runsvdir-start和gitlab-ctl文件存在与gitlab容器里面,启动时,检查到两个文件丢失,gitlab容器便进入无限重启中。 错误处理: 对于这种,在docker机制下运行的容器,由于gitlab非正常运行,是...
我使用的是shell executor。但我的配置是针对Docker Executor的。运行gitlab-runner exec docker <stage-...
gitlab could not be started from docker image due missing or invalid path for gitlab-ctl Steps to reproduce use attached docker compose file to create a new container What is the currentbugbehavior? When creating/starting the docker container with attached docker compose file, an error occured ...
While working on a GitLab pipeline for automatic RPM building, came across an error shell not found on a job with a specific Docker image.
Gitlab docker runner mvn: command not found How to Use GitLab ahmedyosry963 June 23, 2020, 4:06pm 1 I am trying to build ci/cd withing gitlab runner docker image build: script: - mvn install but I face below error $ mvn install bash: line 85: mvn: command not foundo...
image: docker:20.10.20 services: - name: docker:20.10.20-dind alias: docker variables: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" stages: - test - build_dev - deploy_dev - build_release - deploy_stage - deploy_prod .before_script...
I'm on 4.41.1 but my runner gets stuck: Running with gitlab-runner 14.8.2 (c6e7e194) on cluster-docker-default _ey-_Zvr Preparing the "docker+machine" executor I have the following variable definitions: gitlab_runner_version = "14.8.2" g...
the docker executor runs docker commands just fine, but the shell executor throws: I've already set gitlab-runner to the docker's usergroup. Loggingwhoamiin the CI gives:gitlab-runner. What i'm trying to achive is deploy a docker container on the host's docker service. these are the ...