User profile. Activity pages, depending on the type of wiki: Group activity. Project activity. Commits to wikis are not counted in repository analytics. Troubleshooting Page slug rendering with Apache reverse proxy Page slugs are encoded using the ERB::Util.url_encode method. If you use ...
In that case, the Pages path must also be present in the server that the Pages daemon is installed, so you must share it through the network. Run the Pages daemon in the same server as GitLab, listening on the same IP but on different ports. In that case, you must proxy the ...
Configure GitLab Pages to use an HTTP Proxy # gitlab_pages['http_proxy'] = "http://example:8080" # gitlab_pages['redirect_http'] = true # gitlab_pages['use_http2'] = true # gitlab_pages['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-pages" # gitlab_pages['log_directory'] = "/var/...
This is most useful in dual-stack environments (IPv4+IPv6) where both Gitlab Pages and another HTTP server have to co-exist on the same server. Listening behind a reverse proxy When listen-proxy is used please make sure that your reverse proxy solution is configured to strip the RFC7239 ...
artifacts_server_url API URL to proxy artifact requests to. Defaults to GitLab external URL + /api/v4, for example When running a separate Pages server, this URL must point to the main GitLab server's API. auth_redirect_uri Callback URL for authenticating ...
# nginx['proxy_custom_buffer_size'] = '4k' # nginx['http2_enabled'] = true # nginx['real_ip_trusted_addresses'] = [] # nginx['real_ip_header'] = nil # nginx['real_ip_recursive'] = nil # nginx['custom_error_pages'] = { ...
listen_proxy The addresses to listen on for reverse-proxy requests. Pages binds to these addresses' network sockets and receives incoming requests from them. Sets the value of proxy_pass in $nginx-dir/conf/gitlab-pages.conf. log_directory Absolute path to a log directory. log_format The log...
/etc/gitlab/ssl/ci_dhparams.pem # pages_nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['*'] # pages_nginx['listen_port'] = nil # override only if you use a reverse proxy: ...
nginx['custom_error_pages']={'404'=>{'title'=>'Example title','header'=>'Example header','message'=>'Example message'}} This example modifies the default 404 error page. You can use this format for any valid HTTP error code, such as 404 or 502. ...
Summary When setting up GitLab Pages manually without a wildcard DNS record, we always receive a The redirect URI included...