It’s easy to move to GitLab: our platform has an import tool that allows developers to seamlessly move their repositories to GitLab.Step-by-step migration instructionsWatch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to migrate from GitHub to GitLab and follow along with our docs....
Atlassian is ending support of all Server products in February 2024, including Bitbucket, Jira, Bamboo, and Confluence. Don't let this change force you to adopt a tool that's not right for your team. Learn how GitLab can help.
No import options available. Contact an administrator to enable options for importing your project. 问浏览器“How to migrate project from gitlab to github”的时候发现了gitlab的文档:Import and export settings | GitLab 在gitlab中找到settings设置,我没找到具体在哪,但是登录gitlab后,页面顶端有这样一个...
GitLab is now my preferred project hosting platform, we'll use the current repository as a mirror instead Subtasks Import the project to GitLab(Currently blocked by service outage) Disable the Issues, Projects, and Wiki functionality of ...
Migrate from GitLab to GitLab by using direct transfer The best way to copy GitLab groups and projects between GitLab instances, or in the same GitLab instance, isby using direct transfer. Another option is to move GitLab groups usinggroup transfer. ...
前言:gitlab11升级到14还是有挺多需要注意的坑,也算是做一次积累吧,升级前后,gitalb的WEB界面也变化了很多,升级过程需要注意的地方我放到最后说明,挺关键的 一、首先需要下载好要升级的包,这里需要注意,gitlab的官网有说明如何升级,大概就是如下面所示,跨版本升级
My project is in the discovery phase. I am working on it. What I found out that I can use Github actions importer to migrate pipelines, for repository I can use import repo option but that’s for only public repo. For users, maybe I need to do manually. ...
CentOS6.5 安装gitlab以及gitolite迁移gitlabgitlab 的安装使用以及数据结构安装环境:CentOS6.5基于 nignx + unicorn 搭建的应用环境, 如果想要换成passenger,可以参考网上的文档ruby环境是基于rbenv搭建的1: install v
(repository_read_only:nil)end# 存储库迁移gitlab-rake gitlab:storage:migrate_to_hashed# 查看hash存储项目总数,应与管理页面的一致gitlab-rake gitlab:storage:hashed_projects# 查看传统存储项目及附件数,此时应为0gitlab-rake gitlab:storage:list_legacy_projectsgitlab-rake gitlab:storage:list_legacy_...
Attaching to gitlablabcom_gitlab_1 gitlab_1 | Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image! gitlab_1 | Current version: gitlab-ce=11.2.3-ce.0 gitlab_1 | gitlab_1 | Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file ...