This type of pipeline, called a merge request pipeline, runs when you: Create a new merge request from a source branch that has one or more commits. Push a new commit to the source branch for a merge request. Go to thePipelinestab in a merge request and selectRun pipeline. ...
编写完成以后,这个文件需要放到仓库的根目录,受Git版本控制。yaml 格式在编写时容易出错,可以在 “Gitlab 侧边栏 CI/CD –> Pipelines”页面,右上角有个 “CI Lint” 按钮,进去后输入编写的 .gitlab-ci.yml 文件内容,点击左下角 “Validate” 按钮。 下面是工程中需要用到的 .gitlab-ci.yml: 注册runner ...
An error occurred while trying to run a new pipeline for this merge request. This error can happen when you selectRun pipelinein a merge request, but the project does not have merge request pipelines enabled anymore. Some possible reasons for this error message: ...
触发方式可以选择手动触发,定时触发(比如每分钟), gitlab trigger. Gitlab Merge Request gitlab在项目设置中,找到Merge Request 代码语言:javascript 复制 Only allow merge requests to be mergedifthe pipeline succeeds Pipelines need to be configured to enablethisfeature.Only allow merge requests to be merged...
谈到到CI/CD,我们不禁会想到Gitlab + Jenkins + Docker等一些列优秀的工具,Jenkins以其丰富的插件及灵活配置已经非常好的满足我们日常工作中的CI/CD需求,通常的做法为Gitlab配置webhook,开发人员通过push代码或merge request可以触发执行一些列的测试部署上线工作,打通了开发到部署到整个生命周期,完成持续集成持续构建。
推荐使用极狐GitLab CI 自动运行 gitlab-triage,配合极狐GitLab Scheduling Pipelines 进行定时执行,或者配合 Webhook 在 Issues events 和 Merge request events 时触发执行,不过这需要少量的编程。 run:triage:triage: stage: triage script: - gem install gitlab-triage ...
在GitLab项目页面,点击左侧菜单中的“Merge Requests”。 点击“New merge request”按钮创建一个新的合并请求。 选择源分支(你的功能分支)和目标分支(通常是main或master)。 填写合并请求的标题、描述和分配给等信息。 点击“Submit merge request”按钮创建合并请求。
and the original pipelines on the original commit just don’t run at all? To put it another way, enabled Merged Results pipelines in settings seems to have turned: rules: -if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_EVENT_TYPE == 'detached' into rules: -if: False...
If you want the pipeline to run jobs only on commits associated with a merge request, you can use pipelines for merge requests. These pipelines are labeled as detached in the UI, and they do not have access to protected variables. Otherwise, these pipelines are the same as other pipelines....
推荐使用极狐GitLab CI 自动运行 gitlab-triage,配合极狐GitLab Scheduling Pipelines 进行定时执行,或者配合 Webhook 在 Issues events 和 Merge request events 时触发执行,不过这需要少量的编程。 run:triage:triage:stage:triagescript:- gem install gitlab-triage ...