If a merge request pipeline or a merged results pipeline was canceled or failed, you can: Re-run the entire pipeline by selectingRun pipelinein the pipeline tab in the merge request. Retry only the jobs that failed. If you re-run the entire pipeline, this is not necessary. ...
In practice, when both Merge Request-type and Branch-type pipelines are being triggered simultaneously, a race condition will determine which of the two becomes the "primary" pipeline, and whose result determines if the "Merge Request Pipeline" is considered as "failed" or "passed", unlike the...
git fetch 会把此分支上面所有的更新拉下来,但是没有和本地的 Head 分支进行和合并。 如果执行 git fetch 后再去执行 git merge 就会把更新的部门和当前的 Head 进行合并,如果有冲突就会产生冲突文件,然后把冲突文件修改一下就可以了。 探索 我们用本地的一个仓库去模拟一下 git merge 产生冲突时候的情况。 g...
My MR failure : Pipeline · Arkady Gilinsky / wireshark · GitLab According to my understanding I should edit MR and enable “Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch” option, but this option is not interactive, i.e. it can not be enabled on page of MR. Simply ...
workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"' - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' If that doesn’t work, maybe you could post your .gitlab-ci.yml file along with the errors you are getting? 1...
I tried a curl request with "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": "True"}' and /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/merge and the request failed. It's very clear, that the request itself isn't done properly as expected (File : gitlab/v4/...
This type of pipeline, called a merge request pipeline, runs when you: Create a new merge request from a source branch that has one or more commits. Push a new commit to the source branch for a merge request. Go to thePipelinestab in a merge request and selectRun pipeline. ...
After a merge request is open on the branch, the pipeline switches to a merge request pipeline. Two pipelines when pushing an invalid CI/CD configuration file If you push an invalid CI/CD configuration to a merge request's branch, two failed pipelines appear in the pipelines tab. One ...
The "Troubleshooting CI/CD" pagesays, inthe "Checking pipeline status" section: This message is shown when the merge request has no pipeline associated with the latest commit yet. This might be because: GitLab hasn't finished creating the pipeline yet. ...
Merge when pipeline succeeds If the pipeline succeeds, the merge request is merged. If the pipeline fails, the author can either retry any failed jobs, or push new commits to fix the failure: If a retried job succeeds on the second try, the merge request is merged. ...