“Merge request approvals”和上面说到的“Allow to merge”人员对应,如果“Allow to merge”不是真正的CodeReview人员,那么“Merge request approvals”这块就可以来设置真正的CodeReview人员,你可以设置至少要几个人同意之后才可以进行Merge。 在上述设置都完成之后,开发人员想要提交代码,就必须要在“Merge Requests”...
git add并且git commit。 接着我们checkout -b创建一个新的分支,在这个分支当中我们把test.txt之前的一行改成get conflict。然后我们同样add commit。 最后,我们回到master分支,尝试merge test_conf分支。merge了之后,会看到这样的结果: 输出的log当中提示我们有两个文件出现了冲突,这个第八篇.md就是当前编辑的文章...
在本地将源分支(Source branch)代码合并到目标分支(Target branch),然后Push到目标分支(Target branch)。将源分支(Source branch)Push到远端,然后在GitLab指定目标分支(Target branch)发起Merge Request,对目标分支(Target branch)拥有merge权限的用户执行Merge操作,完成合并。这两种方式仅有第2种适合code revie...
将源分支(Source branch)Push到远端,然后在GitLab指定目标分支(Target branch)发起Merge Request,对目标分支(Target branch)拥有merge权限的用户执行Merge操作,完成合并。 这两种方式仅有第2种适合code review,所以我们要做的事情是设置权限,拒绝本地merge后push到远端的操作。在第2种方式中 发起merge request后,由有...
Additionally, GitLab does not detect conflicts in renames away from a path. For example, this will not create a conflict: on brancha, doinggit mv file1 file2; on branchb, doinggit mv file1 file3. Instead, both files will be present in the branch after the merge request is merged....
Additionally, GitLab does not detect conflicts in renames away from a path. For example, this will not create a conflict: on brancha, doinggit mv file1 file2; on branchb, doinggit mv file1 file3. Instead, both files will be present in the branch after the merge request is merged....
heck out, review, and merge locally Step 1. Fetch and check out the branch for this merge request git fetch origin git checkout -b "test_0331" "origin/test_0331" Step 2. Review the changes locally Step 3. Merge the branch and fix anyconflictsthat come up ...
Additionally, GitLab does not detect conflicts in renames away from a path. For example, this will not create a conflict: on brancha, doinggit mv file1 file2; on branchb, doinggit mv file1 file3. Instead, both files will be present in the branch after the merge request is merged....
lisi查看merge request详情,如果有问题或者需要重新修改的可以点击最后的close merge request,如下图: Gitlab中merge request操作说明 - 程序员古德 到此,lisi就完成了merge request的创建,接下来就等待具有merge权限的zhangsan来执行merge操作。 合并 合并需要使用zhangsan进行操作,登录进来以后在列表中以及右上角都会给出...
When a merge request (from feature branch to destination branch) has a merge conflict, two options are presented: "Resolve Conflict" and "Merge Locally". "Merge Locally" explains how to merge from the feature branch into the destination branch correctly. The "Resolve Conflicts" button, however...