Currently, when a merge request is created on GitLab using the --pr option, the checkbox "Delete source branch" remains unchecked. It looks like that GitLab doesn't automatically consider the related default in the GitLab repo project's merge request settings. We should set that option by ...
– 点击”Merge”(合并)按钮来合并分支。 – 如果存在冲突,需要在解决冲突之后再次执行合并操作。 4. 删除分支(可选): – 合并完成后,你可以选择删除已合并的分支。在合并请求页面中,点击”Delete source branch when merge request is accepted”(合并请求被接受时删除源分支)选项即可。 请注意,这仅仅是GitLab中...
- Release branch'release/v1.0'has been locally deleted; it has been remotely deletedfrom'origin'# 将release/v1.0 从本地和远程删除 - You are nowonbranch'develop'# 切换至develop分支 shengjie@Thinkpad MINGW64 /d/Gitlab/Demos/GitFlow.Demo (develop) $ git checkout main# 切换到主分支 Switched ...
第一步:Team1_Dev(开发人员)创建MR并提交,MR主要填写以下5个参数:(同步你可以根据团队情况选择勾选【remove source branch when merge request is accepted】) Title Description Assignee Source branch Target branch 第二步:Team1_Leader登录,在【Merge Request】的角标已经提醒有一个request需要审核。 然后,在点击...
Problem to solve Developers are forgetting to set "delete source branch" on their merge requests. This causes us to...
Steps to reproduce Create merge request tick "delete source branch" make some load on gitlab instance (i.e...
And you can also enable this by default: Check Enable "Delete source branch" option by default under Merge requests in the settings. I think that's the proper place to configure this--the project owner should decide about this. It makes more sense to me than to repeat this information for...
GitLab closes the merge request, but preserves records of the merge request, its comments, and any associated pipelines. Delete the source branch on merge You can delete the source branch for a merge request: When you create a merge request, by selectingDelete source branch when merge request...
在GitLab中,可以通过命令行或图形界面进行分支的创建和切换。使用命令`git branch`可以创建一个新的分支,然后使用`git checkout`命令可以切换到该分支。 4. 分支的合并 在开发完成后,可以使用GitLab提供的功能将分支合并回主分支或其他分支。开发人员可以通过提交合并请求(Merge Request)给其他开发人员或团队进行代码...
使用命令 git push origin --delete Chapater6 可以删除远程分支Chapater6 再次使用命令 git branch -a 可以发现,远程分支Chapater6已经被删除。 删除本地分支 使用命令,git branch -d Chapater8 可以删除本地分支(在主分支中) 1. 2. 3. 3.将新分支的代码与master分支代码保持最新 ...