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Vision Our goal is not merely to launch features, but to ensure they land successfully and provide real value to our customers. We strive to develop a best-in-class product that exceeds expectations across all user groups by meeting high-quality standard
To trigger a Pages deployment from any job, include thepagesproperty in the job definition. It can either be a Boolean set totrueor a hash. For example, usingtrue: deploy-my-pages-site:stage:deployscript:-npm run buildpages:true# specifies that this is a Pages jobartifacts:paths:-public...
//proxy-dc:8080/" NO_PROXY: "docker" no_proxy: "docker" test_build: image: docker:dind stage: build variables: IMAGE_TAG_BACKEND: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/backend:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG IMAGE_TAG_PHP: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/php:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLU...
(GitLab CI/CD) access to your server to automate the deployment routine. Therefore the private key needs to leave the system it was generated on and be given in trust to GitLab and other involved parties. You never want your private key to enter an environment th...
stage: deploy script: - echo “Deploying to GitLab Pages…” dependencies: - build only: - main Build log: Running with gitlab-runner 16.3.0~beta.108.g2b6048b4 (2b6048b4)on Jhc_Jxvh, system ID: s_0e6850...
cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted. Successfully extracted cache Executing "step_script" stage of the job script 00:00 $ gitlab-terraform validate bash: line 139: gitlab-terraform: command not found Cleaning up project dire...
However, the real bug is that the build doesn't fail if the false && true command is followed by another command, isn't it? In I've collected several build scripts that should all fail in order...
And .release-ci.yml (Which is then included as stage in .gitlab-ci.yml) release: image: node:13 stage: release only: refs: - master - dev # This matches maintenance branches - /^(([0-9]+)\.)?([0-9]+)\.x/ # This matches pre-releases ...
Not limited in how many can be defined. For example: job1:script:"execute-script-for-job1"job2:script:"execute-script-for-job2" The above example is the simplest possible CI/CD configuration with two separate jobs, where each of the jobs executes a different command. Of course a command...