List<GitlabProject>projects=api.getProjects(); intrandomProjectNumber=getRandomProject(projects); if(randomProjectNumber!=0){ Stringp=api.getProjectJson(randomProjectNumber); assertTrue("The JSON is 0 length",p.length()>0); assertTrue("Project JSON does not contain 'id'.",p.indexOf("id")...
下面是我的代码: import gitlab, os # authenticate gl = gitlab.Gitlab('', private_token=os.environ['GITLAB_TOKEN']) group = gl.groups.get(20, lazy=True) projects = group.projects.list(include_subgroups=True, all=True) for pro 浏览11提问于2022-08-22得票...
get(string, string, string, string, GitLabProjectsGetOptionalParams) Returns a monitored GitLab Project resource for a given fully-qualified group name and project name. list(string, string, string, GitLabProjectsListOptionalParams) Gets a list of GitLab projects that are directly owned by given...
Get a list of project snippets. GET /projects/:id/snippets Parameters: AttributeTypeRequiredDescription idinteger or stringyesThe ID orURL-encoded path of the project. Single snippet Get a single project snippet. GET /projects/:id/snippets/:snippet_id ...
List all projects History The _links.cluster_agents attribute in the response was introduced in GitLab 15.0. Get a list of all visible projects across GitLab for the authenticated user. When accessed without authentication, only public projects with simple fields are returned. GET /projects Sup...
// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"); // Get the list of projects your account has access to List<Project> projects = gitLabApi.getProjectApi().getPr...
Gets a list of GitLab projects that are directly owned by given group and onboarded to the connector. Parameters: resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. securityConnectorName - The security connector name. groupFQName - The GitLab group fully-qu...
GET /groups/:id/projects Get a list of projects in this group. But I don't get all projects when I call: /api/v4/groups/:id/projects?private_token=TOKEN&simple=true&include_subgroups=true&per_page=90000 The group I'm querying looks like: ...
现在越来越多的公司采用 gitlab 来管理代码。gitlab有个问题,免费版不支持全局代码搜索,这很麻烦。如果把代码全部clone到本地就可以方便的进行各种搜索了。 思路 gitlab 有提供api来获取 projecct 列表,那么就可以遍历这个列表来做git clone 参见:
// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab serverGitLabApigitLabApi=newGitLabApi("","YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");// Get the list of projects your account has access toList<Project>projects=gitLabApi.getProjectApi().getProjects(); ...