在k8s上部署gitlab正常访问,但是创建项目提示Failed to create repository gitlab-ctl tail gitlab-rails查看日志有err信息 redis ERR unknown command 'UNLINK' 原因:redis3.x版本太低导致,redis升级到5.x版本问题解决
【Git学习】Gitlab创建项目的时候出现了错误 :Failed to create repository via gitlab-shell的解决办法 一、问题描述 下午有同事反馈,Gitlab上无法创建新的仓库了,提示如下: 让我看看是不是GitLab服务器出现了什么问题? 二、问题排查 猜测一、是不是那位同事的权限不够? 遇到这种情况,我先用root管理员的身份,...
Jenkins配置gitlab仓库时,提示“Failed to connect to repository : returned status code 128”,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
# 安装 img,可以直接生成自己的镜像代替这个步骤 - apk add img --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing # 准备构建 Docker 镜像 - mkdir docker - cp target/*.jar docker - cp Dockerfile docker # 登录镜像库 - img login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD ...
error: failed to push some refs to'' 二.解决过程: 1.查看系统配置,发现,这里说一下,同学们安装gitlab的时候,可以才用这个安装: bitnami-gitlab-7.6.2-0-linux-x64-installer.run 你可以通过如下命令启动: ./ctlscript.sh start ...
Create a new repository mkdir tsd-collect cd tsd-collect git init touch README.md git add README.md git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git@ git push -u origin master Push an existing Git repository ...
access: FAILED: Failed to connect to internal API gitlab-shell self-check failed Try fixing it: Make sure GitLab is running; Check the gitlab-shell configuration file: sudo -u git -H editor /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/config.yml Please fix the error above and rerun the ...
last_repository_check_failed=1 7 Likes Repocheck dangling commit nataliaJuly 18, 2022, 11:36am4 Great answer, that helped in my case. I would just add a small note: git gc may create new files, soensure you switched to the user gitlab runs as!
To create a repository: Create a projector Fork an existing project. Add files to a repository You can add files to a repository: When youcreate a project, or After you create a project, using the following options: Web editor. User Interface (UI). ...
gitlab-ce version: 11.11.3 error ` fe/guido ... Error: 13:CreateRepositoryFromBundle: cmd wait failed: exit status 128 [Failed] restoring fe/guido repository oversea/pc ... [DONE] oversea/pc.wiki ... [DONE] root/ci-test ... [DONE] ...