gitlab-ctl tail # 查看日志 1)GitLab的守护进程关闭和重启 # 备注:GitLab的守护进程会默认开启nginx 命令:gitlab-ctl stop nginx gitlab-ctl restart nginx # 释放资源,关闭GitLab 命令:gitlab-ctl stop 2)服务器重启或者GitLab意外停止,执行命令“gitlab-ctl start”。 若结果显示“fail: sidekiq: runsv ...
类似地,需指定user、password/identity_file;同SSH方式类似,若想要上传artificate,需要将Runner安装在VirtualBox的虚拟机中;正式开启CI流程前,需提前在VirtualBox中创建或导入一个Base Virtual Machine,并在其中安装 OpenSSH Server以及依赖等。 4.Kuberentes executor 让Runner连接到连Kubernetes API Server,为每一个Job...
fail: gitlab-monitor: runsv not running fail: gitlab-workhorse: runsv not running fail: logrotate: runsv not running fail: nginx: runsv not running fail: node-exporter: runsv not running fail: postgres-exporter: runsv not running fail: postgresql: runsv not running fail: prometheus: runsv not...
[root@gitlab ~]# gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:check Checking LDAP ... Server: ldapmain LDAP authentication... Success LDAP users with access to your GitLab server (only showing the first 100 results) DN: CN=李某某,OU=技术运维部,DC=kevin,DC=com userPrincipalName: DN: CN...
But then, runninggitlab-ctl reconfigure, some taske change the user of/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/database.ymltorootand that makes the migrations task executed bygitlab-ctl reconfigurefail. Edited6 years agobyAlexis Duque Balasankar 'Balu' C@balasankarc·6 years ago ...
Hello,My gitlab version is 13.1.4. 1、I changed the storage path in gitlab.r. After re-editing, I opened the repo on the web page and prompted a 503...
sudo /home/gitpod/.asdf/installs/golang/1.17.2/packages/bin/dlv-dap attach 38489 --headless --api-version=2 --log --listen=:2345 相关调试配置 Copy "configurations":[{"name":"Connect to server","type":"go","request":"attach","mode":...
16GBRAM supports up to 2,000 users 32GBRAM supports up to 4,000 users 64GBRAM supports up to 8,000 users 128GBRAM supports up to 16,000 users 256GBRAM supports up to 32,000 users 建议服务器上至少有2GB的交换,即使您目前拥有足够的可用RAM。如果可用的内存更改,交换将有助于减少错误发生的机...
// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server using GitLab API V3 GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi(ApiVersion.V3, "", "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN"); NOTICE: As of GitLab 11.0 support for the GitLab API v3 has been removed from the...
该文件在初始安装过程中生成,在升级过程中 **不会** 被修改。#! 请查看该文件的最新版本,了解可以配置的不同设置,它们是何时引入的以及为什么引入:#!! 在本地,对应于已安装版本的完整模板可以...