nginx反向代理的配置文件2: other-reverse.conf ,放在与docker-compose.yml 所在目录相对的 nginx-conf-reverse 目录下, 作用是将对http://other.example.com的访问进行转发 server{ listen 80; # 监听 80 端口 server_name; # 其它服务的域名 location / { proxy_pass http://other-app-n...
nginx反向代理的配置文件1: git-reverse.conf ,放在与docker-compose.yml 所在目录相对的 nginx-conf-reverse 目录下,作用是将对 的访问进行转发 server{ listen 443 ssl http2; # 监听 443 端口 listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name; ssl_certificate ...
gitlab使用自带的nginx配置 gitlab nginx 底层直接开辟了docker环境,结合opensumi得到一个持久化的在线编译环境(服务器ip地址+端口号,每个学生用不同的端口号),为了保证每个人的网址都只能自己用,需要在这个网址访问之前加上验证**【需要验证是否正确,还需要验证这个链接和用户是否匹配】** 历程(记录一下探索及学习历...
Hi folks, I’ve the latest GitLab-Docker running gitlab/gitlab-ce:14.10.2-ce.0. This instance sits behind a nginxPM reverse proxy (which handles the certificates and traffic). The default https traffics is forwarded to t…
I have recently Dockerized my GitLab CE hosted instance. Before, it was running standalone on a VPS. I had exported a backup of it and started setting up a Docker version through Docker Compose. After some initial effort getting this to work withjwilder's reverse nginx proxy as well as...
注意:gitlab自带Nginx,下图二中看注释说明:Override only if you use a reverse proxy. 即开启Nginx的反向代理! [root@server226 ~]# vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb [root@server226 ~]# vim /var/opt/gitlab/nginx/conf/gitlab-http.conf 修改如下: ...
官网的说明: 启用SSL的HTTPS: 请先看完全篇了解整体流程,再开始操作,因为过程中有反复!!! 1.创建目录以便docker容器进行挂载: 例如:home/DATA/Gitlab/ ...
Jun 27 19:58:19 server.hopewait systemd[1]: Started The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server. Nginx服务正常运行,访问GitLab服务http://,发现可以正常访问: 我们使用meizhaohui这个账号来下载hellopython项目: D:\Desktop $ git clone git@ ...
gitlab nginx 修改 配置文件/var/opt/gitlab/nginx/conf/gitlab-http.conf。这个文件是gitlab内置的nginx的配置文件,里面可以影响到nginx真实监听端口号。 代码语言:javascript 复制 server{listen*:82;server_name;server_tokens off;## Don't show the nginx version number,a security best...