–“Allow developers to create merge requests”:允许开发人员创建合并请求。 –“Allow developers to push”:允许开发人员推送更改到受保护分支。 –“Allow developers to force push”:允许开发人员强制推送更改,覆盖现有的提交。 –“Allow developers to delete the branch”:允许开发人员删除受保护分支。 对于每...
[root@ci-node2 git_test]# git commit -m "touch ci-node2 file on dev branch" [dev 30de0f6] touch ci-node2 file on dev branch 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 ci-node2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. [root@ci...
Delete the branch No one. (2)Users with the Developer role can create a project in a group, but might not be allowed to initially push to the default branch. No one can delete a protected branch using Git commands, however, users with at least Maintainer role can delete a protected bran...
[root@ci-node2 git_test]# git add .[root@ci-node2 git_test]# git commit -m"touch ci-node2 file on dev branch"[dev be5cdbe]touchci-node2fileon dev branch1filechanged,0insertions(+),0deletions(-) create mode100644ci-node2 推送到dev用户 [root@ci-node2 git_test]# git push -u ...
从上图可以看出来,Maintainer能够push代码到受保护分支,而Developer只能创建Merge Request,这就为团队推行强制代码审查并做到有迹可循提供了技术保证。 3、强制代码审查 一、设置受保护分支 通过菜单Project -> Settings -> Repository -> Protected Branches,然后按照下图步骤设置,最终可以得到第十步的结果: ...
首先是测试用例,最初我们设计在了 git hooks 里边,在执行 git commit 之前会进行检查,在本地运行...
You can create a protected branch by using the UI or API only. This prevents you from accidentally creating a branch from the command line or from a Git client application.To create a new branch through the user interface:Go to Repository > Branches. Select New branch. Fill in the branch...
Using the "Allowed to push" and "Allowed to merge" settings, you can control the actions that different roles can perform with the protected branch. For example, you could set "Allowed to push" to "No one", and "Allowed to merge" to "Developers + Masters", to require everyone to ...
[root@web-7 /home/laoliu/my_halo]#echo '我是老六shell' > laoliu.sh[root@web-7 /home/laoliu/my_halo]#[root@web-7 /home/laoliu/my_halo]#git add laoliu.sh[root@web-7 /home/laoliu/my_halo]#git status# On branch master# Changes to be committed:# (use "git reset HEAD <file>....
设置完dev为保护的后,在仓库的分支页面,可看到分支后出现一个绿色的protected 默认的情况下,master分支是不允许developer角色向其推送内容的 16. Gitlab的备份、恢复、升级 对gitlab进行备份将会创建一个包含所有库和附件的归档文件,对备份的恢复只能恢复到与备份时的gitlab相同的版本。将gitlab迁移到另一台服务器上...