如果当前commit与被撤销的commit,在同一个发布(release)里面, 那么都不会出现在Change log 里面。如果两者在不同的发布,那么当前commit,会出现在Change log的Reverts小标题下面。 2、Git提交日志模板设置 设置当前分支的提交模板 git config commit.template [模板文件名] git config commit.template gitcommit_templat...
template 导入GitLab官方提供的模板文件; ## 本地仓库文件 include: - local: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-java.yml' ## 其他仓库文件 include: - project: 'devops/my-project' ref: main file: - '/templates/.gitlab-ci-java.yml' - '/templates/.tests.yml' ## 远程文件 include: - remote: 'https...
However, if you don’t edit the merge commit prior to merging, other users are forced to navigate to a merge request to gain additional context about why the changes were made. Project maintainers can now configure a default merge commit message template. This allows projects to specify a ...
GitLab 12.7 now supports configuring a commit message template for the commits created by GitLab when applying a suggested change, so to that is valid according to your commit message push rule. Thanks Fabio Huser and Siemens! Documentation Issue Autolink Rust package names Autolink Rust packag...
Depending on the type of template you want to create, scroll to either Merge commit message template or Squash commit message template. For your desired commit type, enter your default message. You can use both static text and variables. Each template is limited to a maximum of 500 characters...
Choose a template Open a merge request with commit messages ? Description <Received> ? What's next? Add metadata ? Which metadata types to add? ? What's next? Submit Creating merge request for glab-demo into main in jh-xiaomage-devops/terraform !1 change disk size in terraform file (...
Commit message commit_message True string Commit message object Returns Body CommitResponse createProjectOperation ID: createProject Create a new project. Parameters Expandir tabela NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription The name of the new project. name True string The name of the new project. Repository ...
2. 创建 Issue template 在存储库的.gitlab/issue_templates/目录内创建一个新的 Markdown(.md)文件. 提交并推送到您的默认分支. 如果您的存储库中没有.gitlab/issue_templates目录,则需要创建它. 要创建.gitlab/issue_templates目录: 单击master旁边的+按钮,然后选择New directory. ...
.com/iJoeychang/testdemo.git"},"commits":[{"id":"bcdfbfd57c8f3cd6cd65998464bb71a562d49948","message":"Initial template creation\n","title":"Initial template creation","timestamp":"2019-03-06T09:52:24+01:00","url":"https://gitlab.com/iJoeychang/testdemo/-/commit/bcdfbfd57c8f...
EventListener: 连接 TriggerBinding 和 TriggerTemplate 到事件接收器,使用从各个 TriggerBinding 中提取的参数来创建 TriggerTemplate 中指定的 resources,同样通过 interceptor 字段来指定外部服务对事件属性进行预处理 同样要使用 Tekton Triggers 就需要安装对应的控制器,可以直接通过 tektoncd/triggers 的 GitHub 仓库说...